Home Pets Unbelievable Secrets Revealed: Pet Expert Unveils Mind-blowing Cat Care Hacks You Won’t Believe Exist!

Unbelievable Secrets Revealed: Pet Expert Unveils Mind-blowing Cat Care Hacks You Won’t Believe Exist!

Unbelievable Secrets Revealed: Pet Expert Unveils Mind-blowing Cat Care Hacks You Won’t Believe Exist!

The Importance of Cat Care and Maintenance

Did you know that there are approximately 8.5 million cats in Canada, a number that continues to grow? Despite the increasing population of cats, many pet owners are still unaware of what their feline companions need to thrive.

For thousands of years, domestic cats have been our pets, and their needs haven’t changed much. While considered independent animals, cats still require more than just food and water to live a healthy and fulfilling life.

As nocturnal creatures, cats spend most of their day sleeping and become more active during the night, especially when they are young. Like any other pet, cats need mental stimulation and environmental enrichment to be happy and active.

Kelsey Watkiss sharing cuddles with a cat
Kelsey Watkiss sharing cuddles with a cat. PHOTO BY: MARIANA TELLO DE LAUNIERE

Cat scratchers, cat trees, small toys, and interactive wand toys are just a few examples of how to keep your cat mentally stimulated and physically in shape. It’s also important to provide a mix of wet food and kibble, as well as a water fountain, to ensure proper hydration and urinary health.

“Cats need environmental enrichments, they need playtime with their owners, and they do need companionship,” says Kelsey Watkiss, the manager at Pisces Pet Emporium.

While cats are generally known for being low-maintenance pets, they still require a variety of activities to keep them mentally stimulated. By enhancing their environment, you can reduce the likelihood of behavioral problems and increase their activity levels. This can be achieved by providing spacious areas, engaging toys, and plenty of food.

Cat Care Fundamentals

With over 20 years of experience at Pisces Pet Emporium, Kelsey Watkiss has learned a lot about cat care and maintenance. Through her interactions with cat owners and the Cats Home Foundation, she has discovered some of the most crucial aspects of cat care and the behaviors that can cause harm.

The Cats Home Foundation is dedicated to educating cat owners and the public about proper cat care and reducing the number of stray cats on the streets. One common misconception they aim to dispel is the idea that cats need to be declawed.

Declawing is the amputation of a cat’s toe bones, and it can cause pain, infection, tissue loss, and loss of movement. Various organizations, such as The Humane Society of The United States, oppose declawing, and it has been banned in several provinces, including Alberta, Saskatchewan, and B.C.

Cat enjoying head scratches at Pet Emporium
Cat enjoying head scratches at Pet Emporium. PHOTO BY: MARIANA TELLO DE LAUNIERE

Healthy Cats are Safe Cats

Vaccinations, spaying/neutering, and regular check-ups are essential for a cat’s overall health and well-being. These measures can increase their chances of survival and reduce the spread of diseases and cancer.

By promoting cat welfare and reducing cat overpopulation, we can ensure that fewer cats suffer from starvation, diseases, and harsh weather conditions. Every cat deserves a happy and fulfilling life, and organizations like the Cats Home Foundation are dedicated to providing the necessary care to make that possible.

“We all love cats, and everyone should know how great they are!”


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