Home GameZone Mind-blowing Solution: Unveiling the Ultimate Hack to Make DualSense Compatible with Assassins Creed: Origins!

Mind-blowing Solution: Unveiling the Ultimate Hack to Make DualSense Compatible with Assassins Creed: Origins!

Mind-blowing Solution: Unveiling the Ultimate Hack to Make DualSense Compatible with Assassins Creed: Origins!

How to Make Your DualSense Controller Work with Assassin’s Creed Origins on PC

If you’re a fan of Assassin’s Creed Origins on PC but struggling to play with your DualSense controller, there is a solution. Adding Origins as a Non-Steam Game to Steam and running it from there might help, but for a comprehensive fix that works with all games, not just Origins, the “DS4Windows” app is the best option. This app has a long-standing reputation among PC gamers and is trusted by many. Instead of spending hours trying to fix your controller issues, simply run DS4Windows and enjoy the game without any trouble. Saving time is crucial!

Many gamers have encountered issues with their DualSense controller not working correctly with Assassin’s Creed Origins and Ubisoft Connect.

Fortunately, the simple solution of DS4Windows is explained in detail below:

Step 1: Understand the Problem

Before delving into the solution, it’s important to understand why this issue occurs. Assassin’s Creed Origins, like some other PC games, may not have native support for the DualSense controller. This lack of support causes the controller to function improperly when playing the game.

Step 2: Download DS4Windows

The key to fixing this issue is a handy tool called DS4Windows. It’s a free application that emulates a DualShock 4 controller, allowing your PC to recognize the DualSense as a compatible device. Follow these steps to download it:

  1. Visit the official DS4Windows website (DS4Windows.com).
  2. Download the latest version of DS4Windows.
  3. Extract the downloaded zip file to a folder on your PC.

Step 3: Set Up DS4Windows

Once you’ve downloaded and extracted DS4Windows, follow these steps:

  1. Open the DS4Windows application.
  2. Follow the on-screen instructions to install any necessary drivers.
  3. Connect your DualSense controller to your PC via USB or Bluetooth.
  4. Once connected, DS4Windows should detect your controller.

Step 4: Configure DS4Windows for Assassin’s Creed Origins

To ensure compatibility with Assassin’s Creed Origins, you may need to adjust some settings in DS4Windows:

  1. Open DS4Windows and go to the “Profiles” tab.
  2. Create a new profile or edit an existing one.
  3. Customize the controller settings according to your preference or use the default configuration.

Step 5: Launch the Game

Now that everything is set up, it’s time to launch Assassin’s Creed Origins. Make sure DS4Windows is running in the background before starting the game. Your DualSense controller should now work perfectly with the game.

Troubleshooting Tips

Above all else, make sure you have pressed “Start!”; otherwise, you will see the message “No Controllers Connected.”

  • If the controller isn’t recognized, try restarting DS4Windows or reconnecting your controller.
  • Ensure your DualSense firmware is up to date.
  • Some users may need to run DS4Windows as an administrator for it to work correctly.

With DS4Windows, you can easily overcome the compatibility issue between the DualSense controller and Assassin’s Creed Origins on PC. By following these straightforward steps, you’ll be back to exploring ancient Egypt in no time. Happy gaming!

Technology can be quirky sometimes, but with the right tools and a bit of patience, there’s (almost) always a fix!

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