Home Fun You Won’t Believe What This Little Girl Tells the Postman When He Asks About Her Mom! It’s Absolutely Hilarious!

You Won’t Believe What This Little Girl Tells the Postman When He Asks About Her Mom! It’s Absolutely Hilarious!

You Won’t Believe What This Little Girl Tells the Postman When He Asks About Her Mom! It’s Absolutely Hilarious!

Kids Say the Darndest Things: Hilarious Interaction Caught on Door Cam

Children have a knack for saying the most unexpected things, and sometimes they take their honesty a little too far. One mother, Lauren Chloe Edney, recently experienced this firsthand when her three-year-old daughter, Emily, answered the doorbell in a hilariously blunt manner.

The incident was captured on a door cam at Lauren’s home in Surrey. Lauren was in the bathroom when the doorbell rang, and her two children, James, four, and Emily, three, took it upon themselves to answer the door on her behalf.

As the postman, who was delivering a parcel, asked if their mother was home, Emily confidently replied, “No, she’s upstairs doing a poo.” The postman’s surprised reaction was followed by him informing Emily about the parcel in the cupboard.

Laughs aside, Lauren confirmed the truth behind Emily’s statement, stating, “It was a true statement, I was upstairs using the toilet.” While some viewers expressed concern about the unlocked door, Lauren assured them that it was not the case.

The funny incident went viral, with other postmen sharing their own funny interactions with children. Lauren’s encounter was described as a ‘classic’ by her fellow posties. However, this episode led her to have a discussion with her children about appropriate topics to discuss with strangers.

Despite the embarrassment, Lauren considers it a proud moment and a story she’ll be able to share at her daughter’s milestone events in the future. Talk about bad timing, but definitely a memory to cherish!

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