Home Education and Careers You won’t believe what Martinsville Elementary School just unveiled… Prepare to be amazed by their stunning sensory garden!

You won’t believe what Martinsville Elementary School just unveiled… Prepare to be amazed by their stunning sensory garden!

You won’t believe what Martinsville Elementary School just unveiled… Prepare to be amazed by their stunning sensory garden!

Teachers and Administrators at Albert Harris Elementary School Introduce New Sensory Garden

Teachers and administrators at Martinsville’s Albert Harris Elementary School are pioneering a new approach to student wellness and engagement. The school recently unveiled its new sensory garden, inviting the community to experience it firsthand. STEM teacher Laurie Witt explained that the sensory garden was created to provide a unique learning environment for students, stimulating all of their senses.

The new sensory garden at Martinsville’s Albert Harris Elementary School includes an herb patch, chimes, flowers, and a sand pit, designed to engage all of a visitor’s senses. Photo by Dean-Paul Stephens.

The sensory garden features various elements designed to engage each of a visitor’s senses. It includes an herb patch to stimulate the sense of taste, chimes for sound, colorful flowers for sight, and a sand pit for touch. This innovative approach to education aims to foster greater engagement among students by diversifying how they are taught. According to STEM teacher Laurie Witt, research has shown that hands-on practical learning helps children retain information more effectively.

The sensory garden is located behind the school, next to its greenhouse. It is the newest addition to a series of projects that make Albert Harris Elementary School stand out among other institutions in Martinsville. Besides the sensory garden, the school also boasts a butterfly garden, a traditional garden, a greenhouse, rain barrels, a wellness center, and a bee center. These projects were made possible through a partnership between the school and the Dan River Basin Association, which helped the school secure grant funding. The sensory garden itself received $2,250 in grants from the Community Foundation Serving Western Virginia.

Martinsville Superintendent Zebedee Talley cuts the ribbon for Albert Harris Elementary School’s new sensory garden at Wednesday’s ceremony. Photo by Dean-Paul Stephens.

Superintendent Zebedee Talley emphasized the significance of the sensory garden, acknowledging that many students benefit from sensory stimulation. He described the garden as a beautiful idea that students will naturally gravitate towards. Principal Brown and STEM teacher Laurie Witt reassured that while the sensory garden might be a unique approach, it aligns with all state standards of education. Superintendent Talley expressed confidence that this new addition will have a substantial impact on the students by enabling them to connect with their emotions and promote overall well-being.

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