Home News and Politics You won’t believe what just happened in Whistler! Grizzly bear caught, and what’s next will blow your mind!

You won’t believe what just happened in Whistler! Grizzly bear caught, and what’s next will blow your mind!

You won’t believe what just happened in Whistler! Grizzly bear caught, and what’s next will blow your mind!

Conservation officers capture grizzly bear in Whistler

Conservation officers have successfully captured a grizzly bear that has been residing in Whistler for several weeks. The bear was spotted in various locations, including a soccer field near a local elementary school, prompting the closure of the park. The bear did not exhibit aggressive behavior, but authorities wanted to relocate it before it became too accustomed to humans.

B.C. Conservation Officer Service Insp. Simon Gravel stated that although the bear was not causing any problems, it was necessary to give the bear some space and hope that it would move on. However, the bear did not move on, leading to its capture.

Concerns and precautions

While black bears are common in Whistler, the presence of a larger and potentially more dangerous grizzly bear was a cause for concern among residents. The bear was frequently spotted on a local street, raising worries among locals. Many residents took precautions such as keeping their dogs on leashes and expressing concerns about the upcoming Halloween festivities in the area.

Collaboration with Conservation Officer Service

Despite some frustration among residents regarding the time it took to capture the bear, Whistler Mayor Jack Crompton emphasized the reliance on the expertise and advice of the Conservation Officer Service. He expressed gratitude for their efforts in managing bears in the community and emphasized the importance of coexisting with bears.

The capture and relocation

The decision to trap and relocate the bear was made when it showed no signs of leaving the area. On Thursday, the bear was successfully captured just a few meters away from a playground and on its way to a local school. The bear will be tagged and transported to a more suitable location, as officers aim to avoid bears becoming comfortable around humans to prevent potential conflicts.

Considerations and risks

Conservation officers generally prefer not to relocate bears unless necessary due to the risks and potential harm to the animals. However, in this case, the decision was made to capture the bear when it showed no signs of relocating itself. The officers will collar and tag the bear before transporting it to a safer environment.


The successful capture of the grizzly bear in Whistler brings relief to residents who were concerned about the potential dangers associated with its presence. The collaboration between the community and the Conservation Officer Service played a crucial role in ensuring the safety of both humans and bears. Moving forward, it is essential for residents to remain vigilant and proactive in their efforts to coexist with wildlife in Whistler.


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