Home GameZone You Won’t Believe How Zoda’s Revenge – Star Tropics II Just Changed the Game Forever! Prepare to be Blown Away by Classic-Games.net’s Mind-Blowing Sequel!

You Won’t Believe How Zoda’s Revenge – Star Tropics II Just Changed the Game Forever! Prepare to be Blown Away by Classic-Games.net’s Mind-Blowing Sequel!

You Won’t Believe How Zoda’s Revenge – Star Tropics II Just Changed the Game Forever! Prepare to be Blown Away by Classic-Games.net’s Mind-Blowing Sequel!

Zoda’s Revenge: Star Tropics II – A Hidden Gem From Nintendo’s Past

Developer: Nintendo    Publisher: Nintendo    Release: 03/15/94    Genre: Action-Adventure

When it comes to Nintendo games, Star Tropics II: Zoda’s Revenge stands out as a unique and underrated title. Serving as a clear homage to the iconic Zelda series, this action-adventure game was specifically designed for the Western audience, offering a more approachable alternative to the intimidating Zelda franchise. While the original Star Tropics had its flaws, it was still a solid game overall. Fans naturally expected the Super Nintendo to provide an opportunity for improvement, but instead, Zoda’s Revenge became one of the last NES releases in 1994, fading into obscurity. However, this sequel managed to surpass its predecessor in many ways and allowed the NES console to exit the gaming scene on a high note.

A Time-Traveling Adventure

The story of Zoda’s Revenge picks up after the events of the first game. The protagonist, Mike, receives a telepathic message from Mika and embarks on a journey through time to solve a riddle that had plagued his Uncle Mike for months. However, this quest sends him back in time, forcing him to travel through different eras to collect the Tetrad pieces while facing the returning Zoda.

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A Whimsical Adventure Through History

The plot of Zoda’s Revenge is as eccentric as its predecessor. The game takes advantage of time-traveling to introduce various historical figures, both real and fictional. Along the way, Mike encounters Cleopatra, Merlin, Sherlock Holmes, Leonardo Da Vinci, and many others. These encounters are often humorous and absurd. For example, in ancient Egypt, Mike must deliver Cleopatra’s pizza order, which miraculously remains hot despite being three days late. The game embraces its absurdity, making Zoda’s Revenge a delightful and enjoyable experience.

Improved Gameplay and Controls

Zoda’s Revenge retains the structure of its predecessor, dividing the game into chapters set in different historical eras. Each location features towns and hidden areas, but overall, the maps are smaller. While there are fewer puzzles compared to Star Tropics, the game compensates with a rapid-fire pace and a diverse range of settings. This addresses one of the major criticisms of its predecessor, as the island theme in Star Tropics became repetitive. Zoda’s Revenge, on the other hand, offers a refreshing variety of locations, enhancing the overall gameplay experience.

The controls have also seen notable improvements. Mike now has 8-way movement, similar to A Link to the Past, providing a more fluid and satisfying gameplay experience. The grid-based movement is removed, allowing for faster and more precise movement. Jumping mechanics have also been enhanced, granting players full control over Mike’s jumps and allowing them to change direction mid-air. Platforming segments benefit greatly from these improvements, introducing greater complexity and challenge. Additionally, combat has been refined, with Mike wielding different throwing swords and a psychic shock wave attack that upgrades over time. The inclusion of different height platforms adds another layer of complexity to combat, but the controls adapt well to these new challenges. However, the secondary weapons have become relatively useless, as enemies can only be hit by either the shock wave or the throwing swords.

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Dungeon Delving with Mixed Results

While the gameplay and controls have improved, the dungeons in Zoda’s Revenge feel less intricate compared to the first game. Star Tropics had a strong emphasis on puzzles and secondary items for progression, but these elements are largely absent in the sequel. Instead, the dungeons heavily rely on clearing rooms of enemies, offering fewer unique puzzles. This missed opportunity to capitalize on the game’s diverse themes and settings is disappointing.

A Surprising Difficulty Spike

Zoda’s Revenge maintains the challenging nature of its predecessor, but with the focus on combat, the enemies have become tougher. As early as chapter four, players encounter stronger and more resilient foes capable of quickly depleting Mike’s health bar. This increase in difficulty, despite the improved controls and mechanics, can catch players off guard. Boss battles like the undead miner and dragon can be hair-pullingly frustrating. While manageable, the noticeable bump in difficulty can be surprising.

In Closing – A Worthy Successor

Comparing Zoda’s Revenge to its predecessor is a difficult task. The gameplay is undoubtedly better in many aspects, but there are still elements of the original Star Tropics that hold their charm. Overall, I found both games equally enjoyable. However, given Zoda’s Revenge’s unexpected success as a late NES release, it surpassed expectations and remains a hidden gem in Nintendo’s library.

7 out of 10


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