Home News and Politics You Won’t Believe How Overcrowded These 2 Hospitals in Edmonton Are – Doctors Warn of Shocking 150% Capacity! Prepare for Insane ER Waits!

You Won’t Believe How Overcrowded These 2 Hospitals in Edmonton Are – Doctors Warn of Shocking 150% Capacity! Prepare for Insane ER Waits!

You Won’t Believe How Overcrowded These 2 Hospitals in Edmonton Are – Doctors Warn of Shocking 150% Capacity! Prepare for Insane ER Waits!

Doctors Sound Alarm About Overcrowding and Long Waits at Edmonton Hospitals

Doctors in Edmonton are raising concerns about overcrowding, capped admissions, and long waits in emergency departments at several hospitals. Dr. Paul Parks, an emergency physician and president of the Alberta Medical Association, reported that the Grey Nuns Hospital has been operating at full capacity for weeks, and the Royal Alexandra Hospital has also resorted to capping admissions. With capacity levels at 150%, Parks stated that admitting any additional patients would be unsafe. He noted that two of the four major hospitals in Edmonton are completely full, placing healthcare delivery in a critical state.

Patients Wait for Hours in Emergency Department

Multiple reports indicate that patients are experiencing wait times of up to 36 hours in emergency department waiting rooms. They are subjected to procedures and patient care in hallways, lacking both privacy and dignity. People waiting at the Royal Alexandra Hospital shared their frustrations, with some waiting for more than 10 hours without any update on their conditions. Ambulances are also being delayed as they wait to offload patients into the overcrowded hospital.

“Very Frustrated, Very Tired”

Maia Klougher, who waited 11 hours to be treated at the Royal Alexandra Hospital, expressed her frustration with the system. She observed overcrowding and witnessed others waiting even longer than herself. Patients and even nurses are feeling the strain of the healthcare crisis.

Government Acknowledges Need for Change

The Alberta government, acknowledging the failures of the healthcare system, has committed to fundamental restructuring. Health Minister Adriana LaGrange emphasized the need for timely testing, timely results, and access to family physicians. Premier Danielle Smith’s government plans to decentralize Alberta Health Services to improve decision-making and accountability at the regional level. These measures aim to address the ongoing crisis and enhance the quality of healthcare services across the province.


The healthcare crisis in Edmonton’s hospitals has reached a critical point, with overcrowding, capped admissions, and long waits plaguing emergency departments. Patients are enduring extended waiting times and receiving care in hallways, compromising their privacy and dignity. The Alberta government is taking action to restructure the healthcare system to improve access and quality of care for all residents.


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