Home Sports WVU Drops Bombshell! Game-changing Decisions Revealed on Academic Programs Under Review. Brace Yourself!

WVU Drops Bombshell! Game-changing Decisions Revealed on Academic Programs Under Review. Brace Yourself!

WVU Drops Bombshell! Game-changing Decisions Revealed on Academic Programs Under Review. Brace Yourself!

Appeals from four departments at West Virginia University have led to changes in the plans for those departments as part of the university’s Academic Transformation program portfolio review process. The Department of World Languages, Literatures and Linguistics and the School of Public Health have seen modifications in their original plans.

In the Department of World Languages, Literatures and Linguistics, several programs were put on notice in 2021 due to low enrollments. A letter outlining the need for improvement included a recommendation to consolidate majors and eliminate the foreign language requirement for Bachelor of Arts majors. The department underwent a formal review and a preliminary recommendation was made on August 10. However, an appeal presented during a hearing on August 25 resulted in a final recommendation to eliminate foreign language majors and master’s degree programs. The department will continue to offer face-to-face instruction in two languages and reduce the number of faculty positions. The final recommendation addresses concerns regarding enrollment decline and recognizes the importance of offering language instruction at a land-grant institution. Under the recommendation, instruction in Spanish and Chinese will be offered based on student demand and instructional capacity.

The School of Public Health also saw changes in its plans. A self-study from the school proposed a reduction of faculty positions, and the preliminary recommendation suggested a reduction of 14 positions. However, an appeal on August 25 adjusted the reduction to 11 positions. The final recommendation will allow the school to maintain accreditation and operation of its current academic programs.

In the Division of Forestry and Natural Resources, the BSR in Recreation, Parks and Tourism Resources will be recommended for discontinuance. A suggestion for a cooperative Wood Science and Technology major and other aspects of the preliminary recommendation were not appealed and will be presented in the final recommendation.

Similarly, the Department of Computer Science and Electrical Engineering will see no changes in its final recommendation. The recommendation includes discontinuing the BSBSE Biometric Systems Engineering program due to low enrollment and other factors.

Other programs will continue with specific actions required, including reducing the number of faculty positions.

The School of Medicine, School of Pharmacy, Center for Women’s and Gender Studies, Department of Philosophy, Management Department, and Department of Mining Engineering did not file an appeal.

The Board of Governors will hear public comments on the final recommendations before voting during its meeting on September 15.

The university will announce final recommendations through September 5 as additional appeals are heard.

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