Home News and Politics Watch Live: Christopher Luxon Reveals Jaw-Dropping ‘Pledge Card’ Promises to Voters at National Party Election Campaign Launch!

Watch Live: Christopher Luxon Reveals Jaw-Dropping ‘Pledge Card’ Promises to Voters at National Party Election Campaign Launch!

Watch Live: Christopher Luxon Reveals Jaw-Dropping ‘Pledge Card’ Promises to Voters at National Party Election Campaign Launch!

**National Launches Election Campaign with Eight-point Pledge Card**

National has launched its election campaign with a pledge card outlining its key commitments if elected to power. The eight-point pledge card, which features leader Christopher Luxon’s image and signature, focuses on issues such as tackling inflation, improving school achievement, law and order, and reducing health waiting times. The party aims to lower inflation, implement tax cuts, build infrastructure, introduce boot camps for young offenders, improve school achievement, cut health waiting times, support seniors, and achieve net-zero emissions by 2050.

**Labour Interferes with Luxon’s Pledge Card**

Labour wasted no time in responding to National’s pledge card, creating their own version of Luxon’s commitments. Finance spokesman Grant Robertson took aim at National’s tax policies and called for the party to properly cost their tax scheme, apologize for dodgy costings, and buy a new calculator. The back-and-forth between the two parties is expected to continue throughout the campaign.

**Luxon’s Vision for New Zealand**

During the launch event, Luxon emphasized that the pledge card would serve as the foundation of a National-led government. He spoke about the issues facing New Zealanders, such as the rising cost of living and unnecessary regulations for farmers, and promised to address these concerns. Luxon highlighted his track record of problem-solving and getting things done, and expressed his commitment to making the country better if elected.

**Protests and Security**

Ahead of the launch, Freedoms NZ leader Brian Tamaki orchestrated a protest outside the campaign venue, calling on Luxon to be more upfront about his Christian values and beliefs. Tamaki and his supporters gathered outside with signs and banners, urging Luxon to engage with the concerns of the working class. Security was present at the event to ensure the safety of attendees, and Luxon later mentioned that he was comfortable having his children speak at the event, despite recent protests.

**Looking Ahead**

Luxon’s campaign launch comes as National ramps up its efforts on the campaign trail. Last week, the party released its tax policy, and now it is looking to communicate its broader vision for the country. The pledge card serves as a way for voters to understand National’s key commitments and priorities. With the election approaching, both National and Labour are expected to continue their back-and-forth on policy and costings.

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