Home News and Politics Upcoming Release: Champagne National Reveals Shocking List of ‘High-Risk’ Research Organizations! Brace Yourself for Extreme Revelations!

Upcoming Release: Champagne National Reveals Shocking List of ‘High-Risk’ Research Organizations! Brace Yourself for Extreme Revelations!

Upcoming Release: Champagne National Reveals Shocking List of ‘High-Risk’ Research Organizations! Brace Yourself for Extreme Revelations!

The Federal Government to Release “High Risk” Organization List for Stealing Canadian Research and Intellectual Property

The federal government, led by Innovation Minister François-Philippe Champagne, is set to unveil a list of “high risk” organizations that are suspected of engaging in the theft of Canadian research and intellectual property. The list, which is being developed in collaboration with security partners, will serve as a warning against providing research funding or grants to these entities. Although a specific release date has not been provided, Champagne assured that the list will be made available very soon.

In recent years, the threat of foreign states stealing Canadian research and development has seen a significant increase, a concern echoed by Canada’s national security and intelligence community. This not only involves attempts to gain knowledge but also the acquisition of data and intellectual property, emphasizing the complexity and importance of the matter.

National Security Guidelines for Research Granting Councils

In July 2021, the federal government issued new national security guidelines for federal research granting councils, including the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada, the Natural Science and Engineering Research Council of Canada, and the Canadian Institutes of Health Research. These guidelines state that funding applications in “sensitive research areas” will not be approved if any person affiliated with the project has connections to organizations associated with foreign militaries, national defense, or state security entities.

Since the release of these guidelines, the granting councils have received 1,743 funding applications. On national security grounds, only 36 applications, accounting for eight percent, were rejected.

No Singling out of Countries or Companies

Minister Champagne clarified that the increased national security scrutiny does not target any specific country or company. However, China has long faced accusations of stealing research and technology from Western democracies. The government aims to adopt a country and company agnostic approach to address threats, recognizing that they can originate from any source at any time.

Efforts to Combat Research and Development Theft

The Canadian Security Intelligence Service (CSIS), Canada’s domestic intelligence agency, has been consistently warning about hostile countries attempting to steal research and development from Canadian universities and private companies. In recent years, CSIS has intensified its outreach efforts to educate universities and the private sector about the potential threats.

During the COVID-19 pandemic, the Communications Security Establishment, Canada’s electronic intelligence agency, highlighted the sharp increase in attempts to steal Canadian research related to the disease.

Ensuring Accuracy and Avoiding Racial Profiling

Minister Champagne emphasized that designating an organization as “high risk” is a serious matter. The government is carefully drafting the list to avoid any form of racial profiling and to ensure that it accurately reflects the potential threats.

Note: This article contains information from the Canadian Press.

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