Home Personal Finance Unveiling the Ultimate Leadership Hack Revealed! 5 Mind-Blowing Tips for College Students That Will Revolutionize Your Leadership Game!

Unveiling the Ultimate Leadership Hack Revealed! 5 Mind-Blowing Tips for College Students That Will Revolutionize Your Leadership Game!

Unveiling the Ultimate Leadership Hack Revealed! 5 Mind-Blowing Tips for College Students That Will Revolutionize Your Leadership Game!

Pottstown, PA, is assisting her roommate’s mother, Holy Jo Torres, with carrying items to her on-campus apartment at Kutztown University in Kutztown, Pennsylvania. This is happening on move-in day, Wednesday morning, August 19, 2020, at Golden Bear Village West. Due to the spread of COVID-19/Coronavirus, precautions such as required facemasks and temperature checks are being implemented.

As summer comes to an end, millions of young adults prepare to return to school, an event that is both highly anticipated and occasionally dreaded. While college is a time for learning from professors in the classroom, it is often the lessons learned outside of formal education that shape us as individuals and leaders.

If I could go back in time, there are a few leadership tips I would give to my younger self.

First and foremost, I would emphasize the importance of learning the art of setting goals. Research shows that setting clear and ambitious goals is correlated with higher achievement. Goals provide motivation, focus, and a way to measure progress. Starting the habit of setting goals early in life is crucial.

There are various approaches to setting goals, but my favorite method is the OKRs system developed by former Intel CEO Andrew Grove and popularized by investor John Doerr. OKR stands for objectives and key results. Objectives refer to the goals we want to achieve, while key results are the specific steps that will help us reach those goals. For example, if your goal is to earn an A- grade in creative writing for the semester, your key results might include the amount of time you plan to study each week, visits to the library, time spent with a tutor, and attending office hours.

It is important to note that many people struggle with setting poor goals or not setting any goals at all. Establishing quality goals takes time, thought, and courage. It requires ambition and the willingness to avoid taking the easy way out. Do not be discouraged if you set a goal and fall short. Only those who consistently aim higher will achieve every goal. Learning to be honest and fair with your goals is a skill that takes time to develop, but mastering it in college will benefit you throughout your life.

Another important leadership tip is to leave the door open. Entrepreneur Mark Cuban, when he bought the Dallas Mavericks, decided to place his desk in the middle of the sales bullpen, right beside his employees. This sent a clear message that he was part of the team. The same philosophy applies to college life. Leaving your door open, both figuratively and literally, is one of the best ways to be approachable and meet new people. Good leaders are available and accessible, so start building this habit now.

Additionally, college is a time of newfound independence and it is important to get out and explore. Your worldview has likely been shaped by your upbringing, friends, and family vacations. However, college brings new people from different places and backgrounds into your life. Volunteering and engaging in community service are excellent ways to integrate yourself into your college community, foster a space for listening and learning, and expand your horizons.

Once you have familiarized yourself with your college community, consider taking advantage of programs like study abroad. Traveling is not only a valuable tool for learning in the classroom, but it also helps build independence, confidence, and self-sufficiency. These skills will contribute to your growth as a leader.

Furthermore, gaining real work experience is crucial for leadership development. Managing money is a skill that every leader should possess. College is an ideal time to start learning about budgeting, cash flow, and saving, as it is when you begin to spend your hard-earned money. Additionally, working a job teaches important soft skills such as time management and negotiation. While your college job may not involve high-stakes negotiations, it provides a low-risk opportunity to practice and improve these skills. Jobs in industries like retail and food service also offer daily lessons in customer service, attention to detail, patience, and self-restraint.

Getting involved in new clubs and activities is another important aspect of leadership development. To grow, you must step outside of your comfort zone, try new things, make mistakes, and learn from them. College offers countless opportunities to get involved through various clubs, groups, and social organizations. Follow your passion and join these organizations to discover your interests and dislikes, both of which are valuable experiences. Consider taking on a leadership role within a club or organization, as it provides a low-risk setting to gain valuable leadership skills. If you don’t find a club that suits your interest, don’t be afraid to start one yourself. Building confidence and a strong backbone is necessary, especially for women who may feel hesitant due to research indicating that women only apply for jobs when they meet 100% of the qualifications. Embrace this chance to develop your leadership skills.

In conclusion, college offers countless opportunities for personal and leadership growth. By learning the art of setting goals, leaving the door open, exploring new experiences, gaining real work experience, and getting involved in clubs and activities, you will not only develop as an individual but also enhance your leadership skills. Start building these habits now to become a better leader in the future.


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