Home Parenting and Family Unveiling the Startling Secrets: Jaw-Dropping Techniques to React to Children’s Seizures! Mind-blowing Tips for Desperate Parents | Parenting News

Unveiling the Startling Secrets: Jaw-Dropping Techniques to React to Children’s Seizures! Mind-blowing Tips for Desperate Parents | Parenting News

Unveiling the Startling Secrets: Jaw-Dropping Techniques to React to Children’s Seizures! Mind-blowing Tips for Desperate Parents | Parenting News

Tips for Parents: Handling Seizures in Children with Epilepsy

Epilepsy, a medical condition characterized by recurrent seizures, can be distressing for both the affected individual and their loved ones, particularly when it involves children. Seizures in children with epilepsy often manifest as brief episodes of involuntary body movements, accompanied by a loss of consciousness and control over bodily functions. This guide offers valuable tips for parents who may find themselves facing the daunting situation of witnessing their child having a seizure.

Stay Calm: The foremost advice for parents when witnessing their child having a seizure is to remain calm. Panic can exacerbate the situation.

Ensure Safety: Protect your child from injury by removing any objects that might pose a risk. Placing a soft object, such as a pillow, under your child’s head can help prevent head injuries.

Position Your Child: Gently turn your child to one side to reduce the risk of choking during the seizure.

Remove Obstructions: Loosen any items around your child’s neck that could constrict breathing.

Observe and Record: Keep track of the seizure’s duration and take note of its characteristics, which will aid your doctor in diagnosing the seizure type.

Offer Reassurance: Stay with your child and provide reassurance, focusing on what not to do during the seizure.

Don’t Restrict Movement: If your child is experiencing convulsions, refrain from trying to stop their movements or holding them.

Don’t Insert Objects: Avoid putting anything in your child’s mouth.

Call an ambulance in the following circumstances:

  • If the seizure lasts for more than 5 minutes.
  • If your child remains unconscious or has difficulty breathing after the seizure.
  • If another seizure quickly follows the first.
  • If it’s your child’s first seizure episode.
  • If your child sustains an injury during the seizure.
  • If your child remains confused or unconscious after the seizure.

Most importantly, ensure that your child, once diagnosed with epilepsy and prescribed antiepileptic medication, never misses a dose, as doing so can lead to a recurrence of seizures.

Preventing Seizures in Children

If your child has epilepsy, there are measures you can take to help prevent seizures:

Take Medication as Prescribed: Ensure your child takes their antiepileptic medication on time and as directed by their healthcare provider.

Maintain a Consistent Sleep Schedule: A regular sleep routine can help reduce the risk of seizures.

Manage Fever: Pay close attention to fever and follow your pediatrician’s advice on fever management, including medication and cold sponging.

Balanced Meal Schedule: Maintain a consistent meal schedule to prevent low blood sugar (hypoglycemia), which can trigger seizures.

Limit Stimulation: Reduce exposure to flashing lights by minimizing the use of mobile devices, television, and video games, as they can induce seizures.

It is crucial for parents to be well-informed about how to handle seizures in children with epilepsy, as quick and appropriate actions can make a significant difference in their child’s well-being. By staying calm, ensuring safety, seeking prompt medical attention when needed, and adhering to preventive measures, parents can provide crucial support for their children living with epilepsy. With proper management and adherence to prescribed treatments, up to 70% of individuals living with epilepsy can achieve a seizure-free life, underscoring the importance of early diagnosis and treatment.

(Dr Nitin Kumar Rai is a consultant of neurology at Fortis Escorts, Okhla Road, New Delhi)

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