Home Education and Careers Unleashing Insane Potential of Preschoolers! Mind-Blowing Innovations in Early Education – You Won’t Believe Your Eyes!💥

Unleashing Insane Potential of Preschoolers! Mind-Blowing Innovations in Early Education – You Won’t Believe Your Eyes!💥

Unleashing Insane Potential of Preschoolers! Mind-Blowing Innovations in Early Education – You Won’t Believe Your Eyes!💥

Reimagining Early Education: The Seismic Wave of Change in Preschools

By Sonia Bajaj

Preschools have come a long way from being mere socialization hubs for young children. With the education industry undergoing waves of innovation, the largest seismic wave of change is happening in the early education space. Leading preschools in India are at the forefront of this transformation, reimagining early education to create a more engaging and effective learning environment.

Intimate Faculty Ratios

One of the primary factors driving change in this space is the emphasis on a more intimate learning environment. Preschools now offer low children-to-faculty ratios, allowing for more interactive and effective engagement between educators and children. Nowadays, most preschools operate with a 1:10 or lower faculty ratio.

Rise of STEAM (Science Technology Engineering Arts & Mathematics)

Contrary to the belief that STEAM subjects are too complex for young minds, new age educators argue that early introduction to STEAM fosters curiosity, inquiry, and problem-solving skills in children.

Digital Integration

While digital exposure in early years is often seen as detrimental, it can be used to enhance learning if used correctly and in an age-appropriate manner. Many preschools are now integrating digital content and concepts into their curriculums to leverage educational resources for children’s learning. However, these programs are limited to a maximum of 15-20 minutes per day.


Leading preschools are adopting multiple support curriculums to fuel their core philosophy. These curriculums encompass areas such as music, sports, phonetics, early reading, and theatre, providing children with a well-rounded learning experience.

Real World Problem Solving

Experiential learning has become a cornerstone of preschool education. Preschool curriculums now address real-world problems, raising early awareness of key global issues and inspiring children to develop an action-oriented mindset. Preschools engage children in discussions about crises like water conservation, environmental preservation, climate change, religious tolerance, and peace, fostering a sense of responsibility towards these issues.

Collaborative Learning with Global Peers

Preschools are utilizing social and content platforms to share their learnings and accomplishments, enabling educators worldwide to collaborate and exchange knowledge. This global collaboration inspires educators and enhances the quality of learning experiences for children.

Holistic Wellbeing and Mental Wellness

Preschools are increasingly focusing on children’s mental health and emotional wellbeing. They invest time and resources in helping children become more emotionally aware, incorporating simple forms of mindfulness and emotional regulation into their programs.

Modular & Flexible Learning Spaces

Understanding the significance of multiple intelligences, many preschools are investing in modular and flexible learning spaces. This allows for adaptable learning environments that cater to various domains of learning. Preschools are incorporating modular furniture pieces and designs to facilitate this flexibility.

Rise of Out of School Learning

Preschools are breaking away from traditional classroom-focused learning and embracing outdoor education. Children now have opportunities to learn in natural environments and specialized learning areas, connecting with nature and expanding their horizons.

Emphasis on Faculty Training

Unlike in the past, where preschool faculty members were often part-time individuals without specialized training, today’s educators in the early education industry undergo comprehensive training and certification. This ensures that they are equipped to provide a higher quality of learning to children.

Inclusive Parental Communication

Preschools are improving transparency and communication with parents by adopting new methods of information sharing. They now share learning goals and daily or weekly photographs with parents through digital photo-sharing platforms.

All these factors have contributed significantly to the evolution of preschool education, transforming the way our children learn and grow. As the education industry continues to innovate, preschools play a crucial role in laying the foundation for a child’s future.

About the Author:

Sonia Bajaj is an educationist and the founder of Little Chipper International.


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