Home Pets Unleash the Power of These Mind-Blowing Hacks to Soothe Your Dog on Bonfire Night – #4 Will Blow Your Mind!

Unleash the Power of These Mind-Blowing Hacks to Soothe Your Dog on Bonfire Night – #4 Will Blow Your Mind!

Unleash the Power of These Mind-Blowing Hacks to Soothe Your Dog on Bonfire Night – #4 Will Blow Your Mind!

Protect Your Pet During Fireworks Season: Expert Advice

If you’re a pet owner dreading the loud noises of fireworks, we have some answers for you. Animal behaviourist, Dr Tammie King, has shared key advice on how to take care of your pets during the upcoming fireworks weekend. In partnership with Forbes Advisor, a financial guidance and price comparison platform, they have provided insights to help protect your furry friend’s well-being this Bonfire Night.

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Simon Hayes, vet and primary care medical director of Linnaeus veterinary practices, explains that this time of year can be challenging for pet owners, with potential stress triggers such as fireworks and the hectic festive season. Many pets suffer during this period, but there are ways to alleviate their anxiety and protect their welfare.

Understanding Why Dogs Are Scared of Fireworks

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Dogs are often scared of fireworks due to their sensitive hearing. They hear at four times the distance of humans and at a higher frequency. Furthermore, dogs may not be able to recognize the source of the sound, leading to fear and anxiety. Negative associations with loud noises or past bad experiences can also contribute to their fear. However, not all dogs are affected equally, as behavior is influenced by genetics, past experiences, and the current environment.

Cats and Fireworks Anxiety

Fireworks anxiety is not exclusive to dogs; cats can also be affected. However, cats tend to exhibit their distress in different ways, often through hiding. Unlike dogs, their anxiety may not be as noticeable to their owners.

Recognizing Fireworks Anxiety Symptoms in Dogs

If your dog experiences fireworks anxiety, you may observe various symptoms, including furrowed brows, cowering, excessive alertness, hiding, lip licking, panting, trembling, and whining. Additionally, they may become excessively clingy, demonstrate restlessness, refuse to eat, or shake uncontrollably.

Tips to Help Dogs with Fireworks Anxiety

Warrington Guardian: CanvaCanva (Image: PA)

Thankfully, there are steps you can take to support your dog during fireworks season:

Create a Safe Place for the Dog

Set up a safe space, such as a crate or den, where your dog can hide and escape the noise. Condition them to this area before the fireworks start, allowing them to become accustomed to unpredictable noises.

Use Big Blankets to Muffle the Noise

Cover the hiding area with a blanket or similar material to reduce the outside noise and provide comfort.

Close the Curtains

By closing the curtains, you can minimize both noise and visual cues caused by the fireworks.

Play Music or TV at a Semi-Loud Level

Mask the noise by playing music or turning on the television at a volume that helps overshadow the fireworks sounds.

Distract with Long-Lasting Treats

Keep your dog busy with a long-lasting chew or food-dispensing puzzle toy that will redirect their attention and provide comfort.

Comfort Your Dog

Offer cuddles and reassurance to let your dog know you’re there for them. Contrary to popular belief, comforting your dog during fearful moments does not reinforce their fear.

Maintain a Calm Demeanor

Stay calm and composed to help keep your dog at ease. Dogs can sense their owner’s emotions, so remaining calm sets a positive example for them.

Consider Appeasing Pheromones

Visit a vet or pet store expert to discuss options such as appeasing pheromone products that can help alleviate anxiety.

Try Body Wraps

Consider using a body wrap to apply gentle and even pressure to your pet’s body, similar to swaddling a baby. These wraps can help keep your furry friend calm during fireworks.

Consult a Vet for Medication

In extreme cases, vets may prescribe anxiolytic medication to help dogs with severe anxiety. However, it is vital to consult a professional and avoid certain drugs that immobilize the dog without reducing awareness.

By following these tips and taking steps to help your dog during fireworks season, you can improve their well-being and minimize anxiety. Remember, it’s essential to provide a safe and comforting environment for your pet during this challenging time.


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