Home Auto-Moto Uncover Mind-Blowing Secrets of Car Buyers and Sellers: Jaw-Dropping Ratings Revealed for 2023!

Uncover Mind-Blowing Secrets of Car Buyers and Sellers: Jaw-Dropping Ratings Revealed for 2023!

Uncover Mind-Blowing Secrets of Car Buyers and Sellers: Jaw-Dropping Ratings Revealed for 2023!

The Six Steps to Selling Your Car with Peddle

Step 1: Fill Out the Questionnaire

Selling your car with Peddle is a simple six-step process. It all starts with filling out a questionnaire. You’ll provide information about your vehicle, its ownership, and its current condition. Be honest in your responses as Peddle’s valuation may change if the actual condition of your car differs from what you described.

Peddle’s online questionnaire is user-friendly and even injects some personality into the process. It’s a fun and hassle-free experience that sets Peddle apart.

Step 2: Accept the Offer

If you’re satisfied with Peddle’s offer, the next step is to accept it and create an account on their website. You’ll need to provide additional information about your car, such as its color and the state where the title was issued. Note that Peddle may deny the offer if you owe money on the car or if you’re trying to sell a leased vehicle.

Step 3: Schedule the Pickup

Once you’ve completed the questionnaire and accepted the offer, it’s time to schedule the pickup. Peddle works with a network of car buyers across the country, so you can expect a call from one of these companies within one or two business days. The pickup time will depend on your location and the tow truck company’s schedule.

Step 4: Prepare for the Sale

Before the pickup, there are a few things you need to do to prepare for the sale. This includes removing personal belongings from the car, collecting all keys, and locating the car’s title. Avoid selling any components of the car after scheduling a pickup as Peddle needs to know which parts are missing before giving you a cash offer.

Step 5: Sell Your Car

The day of the pickup has arrived. It’s recommended to park the car in an accessible location and have a screwdriver handy to remove the license plates. A Peddle tow truck driver will inspect your vehicle to ensure it matches the description provided. If everything checks out, you’ll receive a check for the agreed-upon offer amount on the spot. Hand over the keys and the signed title to complete the transaction.

Peddle handing over signed title and car keys to complete sale.

Step 6: Wrap Up the Sale

After the sale, it’s important to take care of any necessary paperwork required by your state’s DMV. Peddle does not handle this for you. Check your state’s DMV policies on car sales and make sure to file any required documents, such as a bill of sale.


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