Home News and Politics Unbelievable Transformation: Ashland University Professor Initiates Unprecedented Spanish Group to Revitalize the Language!

Unbelievable Transformation: Ashland University Professor Initiates Unprecedented Spanish Group to Revitalize the Language!

Unbelievable Transformation: Ashland University Professor Initiates Unprecedented Spanish Group to Revitalize the Language!

Ashland University Professor Starts Spanish Conversation Group to Make Spanish Shine Again

ASHLAND — In an effort to revitalize the Spanish language program at Ashland University and promote bilingualism in Ohio, Diana Cortés-Evans, a professor in the department of languages and literatures, has initiated a Spanish conversation group called “La Mesa de Conversación en Español” or “The Spanish Conversation Table.”

The Spanish major at Ashland University had been suspended due to the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, leading to a decrease in foreign language programs around the country. However, Cortés-Evans, a native Spanish speaker from Colombia, recognized the importance of creating opportunities for Spanish-speaking individuals in her community.

Last year, Cortés-Evans started the conversation group with limited attendance, but this year it has gained momentum with a larger number of participants. She has reached out to Ashland High School to invite students who are learning Spanish and has made the events open to the public.

The conversation group involves various activities and games designed to engage participants with the language in a comfortable environment. Cortés-Evans shares her experience of learning English and emphasizes the value of practicing a second language to build confidence in speaking it.

The first session of “La Mesa de Conversación en Español” took place recently, with seven people attending. The attendees had the opportunity to introduce themselves in Spanish and engage in a question-and-answer game centered around famous Spanish-speaking personalities. Vocabulary terms were also highlighted and encouraged to be reused throughout the conversation.

The initiative has received positive feedback from participants, including Riki Soto, a junior transfer student studying international politics at Ashland University. Soto, originally from Spain, expressed his appreciation for the Spanish-speaking environment the conversation group provided.

Cortés-Evans is pleased with the turnout for the first session and aims to further expand interest in Spanish at Ashland University and in the Ashland community. Her ultimate goal is to reinstate the Spanish major at the university.

If you are interested in joining future sessions of “La Mesa de Conversación en Español,” they are open to the public and take place on Monday nights at 5 p.m. in room 201 of Bixler Hall on Ashland University’s campus.


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