Home News and Politics Unbelievable Plot Twist: Art Thief Escapes Prison, Gets Caught Shoplifting Just Days Later! You Won’t Believe the Insane Twist of Fate!

Unbelievable Plot Twist: Art Thief Escapes Prison, Gets Caught Shoplifting Just Days Later! You Won’t Believe the Insane Twist of Fate!

Unbelievable Plot Twist: Art Thief Escapes Prison, Gets Caught Shoplifting Just Days Later! You Won’t Believe the Insane Twist of Fate!

Vancouver Man Sentenced to Probation for Shoplifting After Art Theft

A Vancouver man, Frances Boivin, has been sentenced to a year of probation after pleading guilty to four counts of theft under $5,000. These thefts occurred between March and September and involved various items, including a bottle of alcohol, clothing, food items, and a power drill. The incidents took place while Boivin was on probation for an earlier art theft, where he stole nearly $40,000 worth of artwork from the Vancouver Fine Art Gallery.

Boivin’s recent shoplifting offenses happened shortly after his release from jail for the art theft. However, despite his criminal history and the proximity of these offenses to his previous conviction, Boivin will not be returning to jail. Instead, he has been placed on probation.

During the sentencing hearing, Boivin expressed his desire to change his life and take advantage of the support he has received from others. He emphasized that causing trouble was not his intention and apologized for his actions.

The court acknowledged that the shoplifting incidents were not violent and described them as “garden variety shoplifting.” The most aggravating factor was the proximity of the liquor store theft to Boivin’s previous sentencing.

Boivin’s lawyer informed the court that he is receiving treatment for substance use and mental health issues and is part of a case management team. He is currently prescribed safe supply hydromorphone.

However, despite these factors, the judge expressed confusion over Boivin’s offending behavior, considering his social supports and access to safe supply. Judge Patrick Doherty noted that Boivin appeared to be a “very nice person” but questioned why he continued to commit thefts of lower value.

Boivin’s criminal record shows 131 previous convictions dating back to 1991, mostly related to property crimes and breach of release orders.

As part of his probation, Boivin is prohibited from entering certain stores, including London Drugs, Holt Renfrew, Home Depot, and BC Liquor Stores. Failure to comply with the terms of his probation could result in the prosecutor bringing the case back to court for resentencing.

Overall, while Boivin’s recent shoplifting offenses did not result in additional jail time, he will be under strict probation supervision for the next year.


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