Home GameZone Unbelievable! Lords Mobile Unleashes Explosive Armored Combat Worldwide, Breaking the Internet This Month!

Unbelievable! Lords Mobile Unleashes Explosive Armored Combat Worldwide, Breaking the Internet This Month!

Unbelievable! Lords Mobile Unleashes Explosive Armored Combat Worldwide, Breaking the Internet This Month!

The Most Exciting Event in Lords Mobile History

Lords Mobile, the popular mobile game that was launched almost eight years ago, recently hosted its most thrilling event yet. Through a collaboration with Armored Combat Worldwide, Lords Mobile came to life during the weekend of November 10-12th. The event featured 300 real-life combatants battling with authentic armor and weapons, creating a guild war experience in the physical world.

A Spectacular Display of Combat

In addition to the monumental 150 vs 150 match, several 5 vs 5 battles took place, with the winning guilds receiving flags as a symbol of victory. These flags were proudly showcased in a final ceremony. The event was further enhanced by cosplayers dressed as various heroes from the game, and Lords Mobile banners added to the immersive atmosphere.

A Collaboration of Values

Armored Combat embodies core values such as courage, perseverance, and fighting spirit – values that Lords Mobile also seeks in its players. The images from the event testify to the incredible display of courage, perseverance, and fighting spirit that was showcased by the participants.

In-Game Events and Exclusive Rewards

Prior to the live battles, Lords Mobile x Armored Combat Worldwide hosted a series of in-game events to build momentum. Players had the opportunity to earn Combat Coins daily, which could be used to obtain exclusive event rewards from the Combat Shop. These rewards included themed Avatars, Emotes, and Artifacts. Additionally, guilds could tackle the collab-exclusive Monster, Armored Soul, for numerous rewards.

Paving the Way for Live Battles

The collaboration between Lords Mobile and Armored Combat Worldwide consisted of two major events. The first was Guild Fest, where six guilds competed against each other from September 11-17. The two winning guilds had the honor of having the ACW teams named after them and their names and logos were featured on the armor worn during the physical event. Each winning guild also received five tickets, allowing members to attend the live ACW tournament.

An Intense Clash of Guilds

The second event, Armored Clash, took place in September and featured in-game guilds competing in three rounds of events. At the end of Armored Clash, the top four ranked guilds lent their names to the ACW semi-final teams and won five tickets per guild to witness the live event.

A Once-in-a-Lifetime Experience

Not only were tickets granted to lucky players on social media, but the event also attracted a significant number of Lords Mobile players who attended in person. These lucky attendees received tickets that included accommodation, an exclusive merchandise gift pack, and access to the live show. The event truly brought Lords Mobile to life as 300 trained combatants battled using real weapons and armor adorned with Lords Mobile guild logos. It was a sight to behold for those privileged enough to witness the spectacle.

The Perfect Collaboration

The partnership between Lords Mobile and Armored Combat Worldwide is a fitting collaboration, as both share a fascination with medieval warfare. While Lords Mobile brings the spectacle of large-scale warfare to your phone, ACW replicates the experience in the real world. The role players in ACW resemble real-life Lords Mobile guild members, complete with internal rivalries, bonds, and socializing.

Inspired Armor

One highlight of the event was the introduction of a special set of customized armor inspired by the in-game Lords Mobile ‘Oathkeeper’s Armour-set’. This added an extra layer of excitement, showcasing the passion of the organizers and their love for medieval warfare.

Don’t Miss Out!

If you are yet to experience the excitement of Lords Mobile, you can find the game on the App Store, Google Play, and Steam. Stay tuned to Lords Mobile’s Facebook page to stay updated on future in-game and real-life events.


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