Home GameZone Unbelievable! Gravity Circuit – Classic-Games.net: Prepare to Be Blown Away by an Insane Gaming Experience!

Unbelievable! Gravity Circuit – Classic-Games.net: Prepare to Be Blown Away by an Insane Gaming Experience!

Unbelievable! Gravity Circuit – Classic-Games.net: Prepare to Be Blown Away by an Insane Gaming Experience!

Gravity Circuit: The Best Mega Man-Inspired Indie Game of the Year

Developer: Domesticated Ant Games    Publisher: PID Games   Release: 07/13/23   Genre: Action    Platform: PC, PS4, PS5, Nintendo Switch

Mega Man is one of the most popular gaming characters of all time. Yet in spite of that Capcom has done little with the character in the last decade outside of re-releases of old titles. But the indie development scene has picked up their slack with many fantastic titles that offer more of that style of gameplay like Panzer Paladin and 20XX. Gravity Circuit has flown under the radar but in my opinion might be the best one yet. Gravity Circuit nails it in every category and is one of my favorite games this year.

A New Mega Man Adventure

In a post-apocalyptic world populated by sentient robots, a mysterious ark is discovered. Before it can be explored an army of violent robots emerge and begin attacks all around the world. Dubbed the Virus Army, the civilians stand little chance of fighting them off. However before all hope is lost nine guardian circuits of the Guardian Corps emerge to defend robot kind. They succeed but in the aftermath only one guardian, the Gravity Circuit Kai survives and is kept in stasis for recovery. Decades later the Virus Army returns and only Kai remains to fight them back. But this time they are being led by familiar faces…

A Familiar Yet Unique Gameplay Experience

Gravity Circuit wears its Mega Man influence like a badge. It borrows heavily from that series but puts its own spin on the mechanics. Kai plays similar to Mega Man X as he can dash and scale walls in a similar manner. He can slide and has a grappling hook to assist in platforming as well as attack distant enemies. This is a melee-focused game which is different for the genre. Gravity Circuit is mechanically dense as you have melee combos as well as a variety of different attacks. The grappling hook is also used to grab enemies that are stunned to toss them around. Defeated enemies drop bits that you can use to buy upgrades and heal at checkpoints as well as burst energy to power your burst techniques.

Unleash Burst Techniques for Devastating Attacks

Burst techniques add more depth to combat. There are a lot of techniques with a variety of effects. You can create clones that mimic your attacks, counterattacking, a suplex and my favorite, a shoryuken! You can equip four used with simple button combos. Burst energy is common but charges are few until you increase your limit but it is worth it; with the right chips, you can make short work of bosses.

Rescue Civilians and Gain Powerful Booster Chips

Gravity Circuit borrows from Mega Man Zero with civilians that you can rescue you in each stage. For every civilian you save you earn booster chips that you can buy that give a large variety of passive abilities such as double jumping, damage reduction, fall speed reduction, and even creating a platform to help platforming. You can equip three simultaneously and with such a huge list the system is fun to play with.

A Challenging and Rewarding Adventure

Like Capcom’s series there are eight circuits you can fight in any order. Technically you do not gain a boss weapon to use against another. But you do gain burst techniques that mimic some of their abilities. Each level takes place in a different part of the city with unique platforming challenges to match. The level design is strong as it emphasizes the use of all of your abilities. Gravity Circuit relies heavily on the hook shot for its platforming and it can be tricky at times. But it goes a long way toward giving it a unique feel. Another area takes after Mega Man Zero is in its difficulty. This is a tough one, not to the same extent as that series but close.

The Verdict

What a game. Gravity Circuit is everything you could ask for in a 2d action game, especially if you are a Mega Man fan. The art, music, and gameplay all combine to create one of the best action games this year. This is a classic platformer in every sense of the word and one I will revisit again and again years from now. Play this game, people—ones this good do not come around often.


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