Home Sports Unbelievable! DBEDT to Host Record-Breaking Recovery Webinar. Prepare for Mind-Blowing Strategies! Don’t Miss Out on this Game-Changer!

Unbelievable! DBEDT to Host Record-Breaking Recovery Webinar. Prepare for Mind-Blowing Strategies! Don’t Miss Out on this Game-Changer!

Unbelievable! DBEDT to Host Record-Breaking Recovery Webinar. Prepare for Mind-Blowing Strategies! Don’t Miss Out on this Game-Changer!

Price freezing, landlord-tenant matters and other consumer protection-related issues will be among the topics discussed in a webinar hosted by the state Department of Business, Economic Development and Tourism from 12 to 1 p.m. on Thursday.

DBEDT is organizing a webinar series titled “Pathways to Recovery” to provide updates on the Maui fire relief and recovery efforts.

The panelists for Thursday’s webinar will include James Kunane Tokioka, director of DBEDT; Mana Moriarty, executive director of the Office of Consumer Protection in the Department of Commerce and Consumer Affairs; and Dean Minakami, interim executive director of the Hawai’i Housing Finance and Development Corporation.

Advance submission of questions is allowed until 10 a.m. on Thursday.

The webinar is free, but registration is required at us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_WoODi2J8TyCDixnobK6_3w#/.

For more information on the series, visit dbedt.hawaii.gov/pathwaystorecovery/.

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