Home Sports Shocking Revelation: WVU Medicine Reynolds Volunteer Honored with Extraordinary Plaque. You Won’t Believe What Makes it Special!

Shocking Revelation: WVU Medicine Reynolds Volunteer Honored with Extraordinary Plaque. You Won’t Believe What Makes it Special!

Shocking Revelation: WVU Medicine Reynolds Volunteer Honored with Extraordinary Plaque. You Won’t Believe What Makes it Special!

A plaque was dedicated on Thursday at WVU Medicine Reynolds Memorial Hospital in honor of Betty Weekly, a dedicated volunteer who passed away in October 2022 at the age of 94. Betty, who lived in Moundsville, had contributed over 21,000 volunteer hours to the hospital over the past forty years.

Several hospital officials, including Chief Operating Officer Tony Martinelli, Betty’s daughters June Leach and Jane Borsuk, her granddaughter Jennifer Rohrig, and fellow volunteer Mickey Massey, attended the plaque dedication ceremony. The plaque will be placed above the checkout area inside the hospital gift shop, where Betty had spent countless hours volunteering.

Jennifer Rohrig expressed her awe at her grandmother’s dedication, saying, “She volunteered over 21,000 hours which is just incomprehensible to me. Aside from her church work, she loved it. She loved being here and she loved the people. She was really so selfless. She would not understand why we’re all here today celebrating her. No recognition; that’s just the kind of person she was.”

Rohrig also shared how her grandmother enjoyed having fun and was a role model for giving back to others. “She was always kind of proper. She was the quintessential grandmother. She taught me so much about giving to others, selflessness, and volunteering. She was very dedicated. She never thought of herself; she was always thinking about everyone else.”

Rohrig expressed her gratitude to the hospital for honoring her grandmother and hoped that Betty’s story would inspire others in the community to volunteer and give back.

Mickey Massey, a long-time volunteer who had served alongside Betty for many years, marveled at the incredible amount of time she had devoted to the hospital. “The 21,000 hours she put in, someone said that was equivalent to 10 years of working,” Massey remarked.

Massey described Betty as a quiet and kind-hearted person who was always willing to help. She fondly reminisced, “Betty came from a generation that you went to the beauty shop every week. She had that white hair; she was like a little angel walking around the halls. She was very quiet. Anytime anyone asked her to do something, she would say, ‘Yes, I’ll do that. Yes, I can come.'”

Having volunteered at WVU Medicine Reynolds for the past 16 years, Massey continues to contribute by assisting with fundraisers for the hospital.

June Leach, one of Betty’s daughters, expressed her and her sister’s appreciation for the plaque dedicated to their mother. “My mother loved her work up here. I would say it was only second to her church work,” Leach said. Betty was an active member of Moundsville Baptist Church. Leach revealed that her mother was deeply upset when she had to stop volunteering at the hospital and always missed it. In addition to her volunteer work, Betty also worked part-time at Grisell Funeral Home and was retired from the former Fostoria Glass Payroll Department.

Reflecting on her mother’s sweet and caring nature, Jane Borsuk highlighted Betty’s love for helping people and her reluctance to seek recognition for her efforts. Borsuk shared a heartwarming memory of how Betty would often bring her son Michael to the gift shop, where he would receive treats from his grandmother.

The plaque dedicated to Betty Weekly serves as a lasting tribute to her remarkable volunteer service and selflessness. Her dedication and impact on the hospital and community will continue to inspire others to give back and make a difference.


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