Home News and Politics Shocking Revelation: Russia’s Unprecedented Dependence on China Surfaces – Is China Secretly Gaining the Upper Hand?

Shocking Revelation: Russia’s Unprecedented Dependence on China Surfaces – Is China Secretly Gaining the Upper Hand?

Shocking Revelation: Russia’s Unprecedented Dependence on China Surfaces – Is China Secretly Gaining the Upper Hand?

China Welcomes Russian President Vladimir Putin at Belt and Road Forum

The Belt and Road Forum, marking the tenth anniversary of the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI), was attended by representatives of around 130 countries. The highlight of the event was the presence of Russian President Vladimir Putin, who arrived in China a day prior to the opening ceremony on 18 October.

Xi Jinping and Putin Strengthen Bilateral Relations

During their meeting, Chinese President Xi Jinping and Putin acknowledged the deepening mutual trust and effective strategic cooperation between their countries since their last meeting in Moscow. They emphasized the record high bilateral trade, which is on track to reach the target of US$200 billion. Xi also expressed support for Russia’s hosting of the BRICS summit and highlighted the importance of Russia as a partner in Belt and Road international cooperation. Both leaders agreed to pursue practical cooperation in emerging industries and enhance communication within multilateral frameworks.

Putin emphasized the crucial role of close foreign policy coordination with China given the current difficult conditions. He stated that external factors pose common threats to both countries and emphasized the need for strengthened bilateral cooperation.

China-Russia Relationship and Global Geopolitics

The visit by Putin to China comes at a time of global geopolitical tensions, including the Russia-Ukraine war and the Israel-Hamas conflict. It is speculated that China and Russia, out of their shared opposition to Western dominance, could join forces to counteract the US and its Western alliance. However, despite their cooperation, each side remains cautious and wary of the other.

Russia’s Strategic Reliance on China

Putin’s praise of China is seen as a result of Russia’s growing reliance on China after facing severe sanctions from the West over its invasion of Ukraine. Bilateral trade between China and Russia has reached its highest level since the start of the war in Ukraine, and China has become the largest importer of fossil fuels from Russia. Russia’s finance minister emphasized the country’s dependence on China for the supply of drones.

China’s Benefits and Concerns in the Relationship

China sees Russia not only as a key source of oil and natural gas but also as a source for military technology. However, some experts in Beijing feel that China gains very little from the relationship beyond a new market for its products and lower prices for Russian resources. China’s expanding influence in Central Asia through the Belt and Road Initiative has also created tension in the bilateral relationship.

Overall, while China and Russia engage in pragmatic diplomacy and take what they need from each other, they also remain cautious and mindful of their own interests.


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