Home Personal Development SHOCKING Revelation: Russia’s Hidden Agenda in Gaza War REVEALED!

SHOCKING Revelation: Russia’s Hidden Agenda in Gaza War REVEALED!

SHOCKING Revelation: Russia’s Hidden Agenda in Gaza War REVEALED!

Who is Really Behind Hamas’ Attack on Israel?

It has been four weeks since Hamas launched an attack on Israel, but the true orchestrator of this brutal act remains unknown. While Iran denies involvement, members of Hamas and Hezbollah claim otherwise. However, it is crucial to question whether Iran is the sole collaborator or if there is a cunning power hidden in the shadows. It is time to examine who truly benefits from this crisis.

Russia’s Role

Russia is the primary power that benefits the most from the conflict escalating beyond Gaza. Vladimir Putin’s strategy revolves around spreading chaos to regain Russia’s influence worldwide. Russia lacks financial support or ideology to offer, so instability becomes its main export.

Throughout the years, Russia has consistently sought conflicts as a goal rather than a problem in its foreign policy. The Kremlin, being a criminal regime, always seizes criminal opportunities. Their involvement with Hamas should not be surprising, considering the longstanding ties between Palestine and the Soviet Union.

The Russian Connection

The initial stage of the assault on Israel bears the markings of a classic Russian intelligence operation. It was meticulously planned, flawlessly executed, targeted vulnerabilities, and had clear tactical and strategic objectives. The handlers guiding the operation had unknown connections to the actual participants, a common Russian tactic.

While it is unlikely that Iran desired a successful operation leading to a regional conflict, the attack inevitably set events in motion towards a large-scale conflagration. The tactical improvements displayed by Hamas during the assault suggest the involvement of a third party. Iran lacks the capability, especially without Qasem Soleimani, commander of the Quds Force of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard.

A Betrayal?

If Russia indeed trained Hamas terrorists at an operational level, it seems improbable that Israel was unaware. What if Israeli intelligence knew, and even Prime Minister Netanyahu was aware? Their relationship with Russia suggests a potential tacit agreement, but what if Israel was double-crossed?

It is also worth questioning why Israeli intelligence failed to uncover the plot, placing blame on both the Israel Security Agency and Mossad, the intelligence agency. The failure to detect and prevent the attack marks the greatest intelligence blunder in Israel’s history.

The Role of Russia

While the truth behind Hamas’ attack will eventually surface, it is important to recognize that Russia has been present in many world crises. It is unlikely that this time is an exception.

Lev Stesin is a founding member of San Francisco Voices for Israel.

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