Home News and Politics Shocking! Downtown Canadian Businesses Desperately Seek Federal Government Aid Amid Mounting Challenges

Shocking! Downtown Canadian Businesses Desperately Seek Federal Government Aid Amid Mounting Challenges

Shocking! Downtown Canadian Businesses Desperately Seek Federal Government Aid Amid Mounting Challenges

Downtown business associations unite to call for federal government assistance

Downtown business associations from across Canada are coming together to call on the federal government for help. The associations are facing high vacancy rates, safety concerns, and economic issues, and believe assistance is needed from all levels of government, starting with the federal government.

“It’s really important that politicians understand how urgent this is because there is still fallout that we haven’t even seen in terms of our economy and downtowns and main streets,” said Puneeta McBryan, the executive director of the Edmonton Downtown Business Association.

The associations are making several requests, with one of their main asks being for better addictions, mental health, and homelessness supports. They believe there needs to be nationwide collaboration to research and implement effective solutions. The associations also hope that bail reform, currently being worked on by the federal government, will help improve security in downtown areas.

Additionally, the associations are asking for changes to support small businesses, many of which are still recovering from the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Edmonton Mayor calls for Indigenous-centered housing and support services

Edmonton’s mayor, Amarjeet Sohi, supports the associations’ call to action and adds that more supportive housing with wraparound services should be built, with a focus on serving the Indigenous population. He highlights that 60% of Edmonton’s houseless population is Indigenous.

Requests for deadline extension and reduced fees

Specifically, the Ottawa envoy is calling for an extension of the deadline for repayments of CEBA (Canada Emergency Business Account) loans, which were provided during the pandemic. They are also advocating for reduced credit card fees for small businesses.

High vacancy rates and safety concerns

A recent study revealed that Edmonton’s downtown currently has one of the highest vacancy rates among downtowns in Canada, at 33%. Other cities are also facing similar challenges. The associations emphasize that businesses do not feel safe and predict that the vacancy numbers will increase significantly if all levels of government do not address these issues.

Uniting for the first time

While the business associations frequently communicate with local politicians, their trip to Ottawa is the first of its kind, demonstrating the urgency of the situation.

Overall, the associations are urging the federal government to provide comprehensive support to address the economic and safety issues faced by downtown business districts across Canada.

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