Home News and Politics Shocking! DeSantis and Kemp’s Secret Meet-up in Georgia Unveils Explosive 2024 Race Strategy and Debate Preparations

Shocking! DeSantis and Kemp’s Secret Meet-up in Georgia Unveils Explosive 2024 Race Strategy and Debate Preparations

Shocking! DeSantis and Kemp’s Secret Meet-up in Georgia Unveils Explosive 2024 Race Strategy and Debate Preparations

Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis Meets with Georgia Gov. Brian Kemp


Discussion on 2024 Race and Republican Debate

Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis had a meeting with Georgia Gov. Brian Kemp in Atlanta on Friday morning. The meeting, confirmed by a source familiar with the discussion, lasted approximately 30 minutes. The main topics of discussion were the current state of the 2024 race and the upcoming Republican debate.

Focus on Winning in 2024

Both governors were present at a gathering of 2024 Republican hopefuls in Georgia, where Gov. Kemp emphasized the need to stop complaining about the 2020 election and instead concentrate on helping Republicans achieve victory in 2024.

Meetings with Other Key Figures

In addition to his meeting with Gov. DeSantis, Gov. Kemp also met with former Vice President Mike Pence and had a phone conversation with former New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie. He has also held private meetings with Sen. Tim Scott in recent months.

Kemp’s Stance on Election Fraud Claims

The meeting between the governors took place after Gov. Kemp criticized former President Donald Trump earlier in the week for spreading false allegations of fraud in the 2020 election.

Securing Fair Elections and Focusing on the Future

Gov. Kemp stated, “For nearly three years now, anyone with evidence of fraud has failed to come forward — under oath — and prove anything in a court of law.” He emphasized that elections in Georgia are secure, accessible, fair, and will remain so as long as he is governor. He urged everyone to shift their attention to the significant stakes in the 2024 election and make it the top priority.

Kemp’s Endorsement Plans

Gov. Kemp expressed his intention to endorse the Republican nominee for the 2024 election but has not yet endorsed any candidate during the primary season. He emphasized the need to present a forward-thinking vision to the American people, highlighting the importance of defeating Joe Biden in November.

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