Home Personal Finance Savvy Money-Saving Tips from an MOT Mechanic for Smart Used Car Buyers – Unveiling the Unexpected!

Savvy Money-Saving Tips from an MOT Mechanic for Smart Used Car Buyers – Unveiling the Unexpected!

Savvy Money-Saving Tips from an MOT Mechanic for Smart Used Car Buyers – Unveiling the Unexpected!

A mechanic certified by the Ministry of Transport (MOT) has shared his money-saving tips for buying a used car, and some of them may surprise you. With the market for used vehicles booming, it is important to make informed decisions when purchasing a pre-owned car. The mechanic, named Craig, works with Walsall Wood Tyre & Service in Birmingham and has provided expert advice on what to look out for when buying a pre-loved vehicle.

According to Craig, the first and most important thing to consider is the basics of the vehicle. He advises checking the levels, such as coolant, and looking for any signs that it has been topped up recently. If the coolant has been topped up recently, there may be a potential leak that could lead to future problems. Craig also highlights the importance of checking the engine oil. If the oil is black and dirty, it may indicate that it needs to be changed. Additionally, he mentions that the color of the engine oil can vary depending on whether the car runs on petrol or diesel, with diesel oil expected to be black.

Another crucial area to inspect is the tires, brakes, and wheels. By thoroughly examining these components, potential issues can be detected before making a purchase. Craig suggests looking through the wheels to check for any abnormalities and paying attention to the color of the brake discs around the edge. If the edge of the brake discs appears orange, it may indicate that the vehicle has been driven aggressively and excessively subjected to braking.

Finally, Craig emphasizes the significance of checking the service history of the vehicle. If the car lacks a service history, it can result in additional costs in the long run. Regular servicing is essential for maintaining the good condition and longevity of a vehicle.

In addition to Craig’s advice, another mechanic named Josh Regis, who is an automotive engineer with 18 years of experience, recommends considering five key factors before purchasing a second-hand car. He advises researching the year, make, model, and value of the vehicle in order to gauge its reliability and common issues. It is also important to assess the cost of maintenance and whether leasing or financing the vehicle is feasible.

By following these expert tips, potential buyers can make more informed decisions when purchasing a used car, ultimately saving themselves money and avoiding future problems. The booming market for second-hand vehicles provides numerous options for buyers, but it is essential to thoroughly inspect and consider all aspects before finalizing a purchase.


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