Home News and Politics Richard Cannings, Prominent Okanagan Politician, Announces Decision to Step Down from Federal Re-Election Bid in 2025 – Providing Insight into His Future Plans

Richard Cannings, Prominent Okanagan Politician, Announces Decision to Step Down from Federal Re-Election Bid in 2025 – Providing Insight into His Future Plans

Richard Cannings, Prominent Okanagan Politician, Announces Decision to Step Down from Federal Re-Election Bid in 2025 – Providing Insight into His Future Plans

Richard Cannings, a well-known politician and lifelong resident of Okanagan, has announced that he will not be seeking re-election in two years’ time. Speaking from the house he grew up in, Cannings stated that his decision to retire from politics is primarily driven by his age. At 69 years old, he believes it is the right time for him to step back and allow someone else to take on the role.

Cannings, who has been the NDP candidate for South Okanagan-West Kootenay, has had a successful political career, being elected in 2015, 2019, and 2021. However, he believes that if he were younger, he would be eager to continue his political journey as there is still much he wants to share with Canadians about his accomplishments and future possibilities. Being an MP has been the greatest job of his life, and he feels privileged and honored that the people of South Okanagan-West Kootenay have trusted him.

In a light-hearted manner, Cannings addressed the common perception that politicians often use the excuse of wanting to spend more time with their families. He admitted that while it may be true in some cases, his decision to retire is primarily driven by his desire to spend more time with his new granddaughter and attend to the yardwork at his home.

Reflecting on why he initially entered politics, Cannings, who is a biologist and well-known birder, said that he wanted to bring the voice of science into the federal scene. He has always valued working in a collegial fashion and building relationships with colleagues from all parties. He believes that it is important to bring people together rather than driving them apart.

When asked about the current state of politics, where bluster often takes center stage instead of finding common ground, Cannings expressed his preference for working in a collegial manner. He takes pride in his ability to bridge party lines and tries to encourage communication and understanding between his colleagues. He believes that this approach is what Canadians would like to see from their elected representatives.

Cannings expressed concern about the erosion of civility and collegiality in recent years, emphasizing the importance of working together to address the challenges faced by Canadians. He still maintains relationships with his Conservative and Liberal colleagues, often finding himself in the middle, trying to facilitate communication between them. For him, it is crucial to work collaboratively to improve the lives of Canadians, which is ultimately the purpose of being elected.

In conclusion, Richard Cannings, a respected politician and long-time resident of Okanagan, has announced his retirement from politics. At the age of 69, he believes it is the right time to step back and allow new voices to take on the role. Throughout his career, he has prioritized collegiality, bringing people together, and advocating for scientific perspectives in politics. He hopes that future MPs will work collaboratively to address the challenges faced by Canadians and make a positive difference in their lives.


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