Home Sports Radical Bill Proposes Shocking Felony Penalties for Sports Fights in Democrat-led State – Outrage Ensues!

Radical Bill Proposes Shocking Felony Penalties for Sports Fights in Democrat-led State – Outrage Ensues!

Radical Bill Proposes Shocking Felony Penalties for Sports Fights in Democrat-led State – Outrage Ensues!

Students and Adults Who Fight on Washington State School Grounds Could Face Felony Charges

The state of Washington is considering new legislation that could result in felony charges for students and adults caught fighting on public school grounds, including during youth sports games. Republican state Rep. Suzanne Schmidt introduced House Bill 2079, motivated by a personal experience where a friend was assaulted and left with a permanent disability after refereeing a wrestling match.

Under the proposed bill, individuals involved in fights on school grounds could face a class C felony charge, rather than a gross misdemeanor. In addition, students found fighting on school premises could be promptly removed from the school, while non-students could be barred from the property for up to one year.

Rep. Schmidt emphasized the importance of protecting sports officials, coaches, and players, stating that there is a significant shortage of referees in Washington. She believes that providing appropriate penalties for those who intimidate or assault officials will help attract more people to become officials.

The text of the legislation reveals that the bill addresses both force or violence in schools and athletic activities. It highlights the necessity of promoting school safety and providing targeted sanctions to prevent violent behavior from escalating to severe physical harm.

Washington state has witnessed a surge in school-related violence, with over 400 reported fights occurring between September and May in five middle schools within the Everett School District. Concerned parents and school officials have been raising alarm bells about the rising number of fights, including a lawsuit filed against the district by the family of a bullied and beaten child.

The bill, which has gained bipartisan support, aims to curb violent fights rather than minor quarrels. It particularly focuses on intensifying penalties for those who fight or intimidate sports referees and coaches, as they are increasingly leaving their positions due to such incidents.

Democratic Rep. April Berg expressed concerns about creating a “school-to-prison pipeline” and will further examine the bill’s implications. However, the bill has not yet received a public hearing date, and its passage is uncertain.

Overall, the proposed legislation seeks to enhance school safety, protect sports officials, and deter violent behavior on school grounds in Washington state.


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