Home News and Politics Potential Rewritten Title: “Lawyers of Hunter Biden Intended to Put President on the Stand, but Plea Deal Faltered, Reports Say”

Potential Rewritten Title: “Lawyers of Hunter Biden Intended to Put President on the Stand, but Plea Deal Faltered, Reports Say”

Potential Rewritten Title: “Lawyers of Hunter Biden Intended to Put President on the Stand, but Plea Deal Faltered, Reports Say”

Hunter Biden’s Lawyers Threatened to Put President on the Stand Before Plea Deal Fell Apart: Report

Hunter Biden’s lawyers warned prosecutors last year the defense would put the president on the stand to testify in his son’s defense if criminal charges were ever brought against him, according to a report.

Hunter’s lawyer, Chris Clark, wrote a letter to prosecutors last October after news leaked that federal agents had enough evidence to charge the first son with illegally buying a firearm while still using crack cocaine.

Clark said that if the Justice Department charged Hunter, the defense would be forced to put the commander in chief on the witness stand.

“President Biden now unquestionably would be a fact witness for the defense in any criminal trial,” Clark wrote in a 32-page letter obtained by Politico.

The email along with an additional 300 pages of emails reviewed by the outlet give a new, unreported insight into how Hunter’s sweet plea deal — which would have kept him out of prison — fell apart at the seams at the last minute last month.

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