Home News and Politics Opinion Piece | China and Russia’s BRICS Expansion: Fueling Global Division

Opinion Piece | China and Russia’s BRICS Expansion: Fueling Global Division

Opinion Piece | China and Russia’s BRICS Expansion: Fueling Global Division

The BRICS grouping, consisting of Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa, has agreed to admit six new members. China is leading the expansion of the group in order to strengthen its ties with emerging and developing countries, collectively known as the “Global South,” and to create opposition against the United States and Europe. Chinese President Xi Jinping declared this expansion of membership as historic.

However, this enlargement based on the idea of confrontation may further divide the international community and create conflict. The BRICS grouping includes democracies such as India and Brazil, which means it lacks common principles or policies. China and Russia should be aware that their opposition to the US and Europe could lead to dissonance within the BRICS grouping.

The six new members to join in January are Argentina, Ethiopia, Egypt, Iran, Saudi Arabia, and the United Arab Emirates. Saudi Arabia, the UAE, and Iran are leading petroleum producers, and the inclusion of these countries signifies a decline in American influence in the Middle East and North Africa regions. China has brokered diplomatic relations between Iran and Saudi Arabia and has been increasing its presence in the region. There are concerns that Iran’s membership will bring an anti-American character to the BRICS.

BRICS is not a monolithic entity. Brazilian President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva has stated that BRICS is intended to organize emerging and developing countries and not to oppose the US or the G7 countries. India has also been cautious about expanding its membership as it participates in the Quad cooperative framework with Japan, the United States, and Australia.

China and Russia aim to use the expanded BRICS to reshape the international order. However, their actions raise doubts about their qualifications for such an undertaking. Russia violated the United Nations Charter by invading Ukraine, and China is attempting to change the status quo through force in the South China Sea and other areas. Brazil has expressed concerns over the prolonged invasion of Ukraine. It is crucial for the BRICS to urge Russia to withdraw from Ukraine immediately and stop its aggression.

Overall, the expansion of BRICS membership raises various challenges and dynamics within the international community. It remains to be seen how these new members will contribute to the group’s objectives and how conflicts of interest and principles will be managed.

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