Home News and Politics Minister Set to Announce New Immigration Targets for Canada; Will There Be a Slowdown?

Minister Set to Announce New Immigration Targets for Canada; Will There Be a Slowdown?

Minister Set to Announce New Immigration Targets for Canada; Will There Be a Slowdown?

New Immigration Targets for Canada to be Announced

Canada’s Immigration Minister, Marc Miller, is expected to reveal the country’s new targets for immigration over the next three years. The key question is whether Canada will bring in more or fewer newcomers once the current targets expire in 2025.

The Immigration Levels Plan sets guidelines and targets for the number of permanent residents Canada plans to welcome under economic, humanitarian, and family reunification streams. In 2022, Canada welcomed a record high of 431,645 new permanent residents.

However, these targets were later revised to include historically high numbers for the years 2023 to 2025. The plan initially set a target of 465,000 new permanent residents in 2023, 485,000 in 2024, and 500,000 in 2025. The new plan will outline any revisions to these targets up until 2026.

A recent survey conducted by the Environics Institute and Ipsos for Global News indicates that an increasing number of Canadians believe immigration levels are too high, citing concerns over the cost of living crisis. The survey reveals that 44% of Canadians agree with the statement “overall, there’s too much immigration to Canada,” compared to 51% who disagree.

This viewpoint represents a significant shift from the previous year, where only 27% expressed concerns about high immigration, while a record high of 69% disagreed with the statement.

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Miller has previously stated that reducing immigration targets in response to the housing crisis would not be a logical decision. He believes that the focus should be on ensuring the government’s readiness and organization, rather than limiting the number of newcomers.

He added that the demand for specialized workers in various industries is a crucial aspect that needs to be addressed through more structured and organized immigration policies.

The Strategic Immigration Review report released by Miller emphasizes that Canada’s immigration strategy should align with the country’s labor needs. It suggests the creation of a Chief International Talent Officer (CITO) role to align immigration policies with long-term skills and labor strategies.

The CITO would assess the skills required by the Canadian economy and ensure that immigration strategies are aligned with those needs. The report also recommends attracting workers who can help alleviate pressures in areas such as housing and healthcare.

Miller also expressed his intention to reform the international student program to curb fraud cases rather than imposing a cap on the number of international students entering the country. He plans to collaborate with provinces on addressing this issue.

Ultimately, the new immigration targets will shape Canada’s approach to immigration and labor market needs, as well as address the concerns and expectations of Canadians regarding immigration levels.


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