Home Sports Mind-Blowing Win! Check out How Maui District’s Highways Scoops Coveted National Stormwater Award! You Won’t Believe It!

Mind-Blowing Win! Check out How Maui District’s Highways Scoops Coveted National Stormwater Award! You Won’t Believe It!

Mind-Blowing Win! Check out How Maui District’s Highways Scoops Coveted National Stormwater Award! You Won’t Believe It!

The State of Hawaii Highways Maui District Receives Prestigious Award for Stormwater Management

Highways Maui District team members inspect a storm drain. PHOTO COURTESY OF HIGHWAYS MAUI DISTRICT.

The State of Hawaii Department of Transportation, Highways Maui District, has recently been recognized for its exceptional stormwater management efforts. The district has been presented with the prestigious 2023 MS4 Phase II Overall Award from the Water Environment Federation (WEF). This award is granted to organizations that demonstrate excellence in program management and innovation, making it the highest honor within the WEF’s recognition program.

Recognizing Outstanding Stormwater Management

Established in 2015, the Water Environment Federation’s National Municipal Stormwater and Green Infrastructure Awards aim to acknowledge high-performing Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System (MS4) programs. These programs are responsible for managing public networks of structures that convey stormwater. To qualify for the award, applications are evaluated by a panel of expert judges who score them based on various criteria.

Award-Winning Achievements

Highways Maui District’s MS4 program in Central Maui spans approximately 20 miles of state highways and includes numerous inlets, storm drainage pipes, culverts, and outfalls. The district’s exemplary efforts in stormwater management focus on preventing pollutants from entering the storm drains, thus protecting Maui’s waters from contamination.

The MS4 Phase II Overall Award recognizes Highways Maui District for its outstanding program management and innovation. It is a testament to the district’s commitment to creating healthier communities and going above and beyond the obligations set forth by their permits.

A Model for Others

Elizabeth Krousel, WEF Stormwater Community chair and associate vice president for Michael Baker International, commended the award recipients, stating that their dedication and outside-the-box thinking serve as an inspiration to the entire stormwater sector. Highways Maui District’s achievement will undoubtedly serve as a model for other MS4s across the country.

Protecting Maui’s Environment

Highways Maui District’s stormwater management program encompasses a wide range of initiatives. These include a comprehensive asset inventory and monitoring system, measures to control runoff, debris, pollution, and illicit discharges, as well as efforts to promote public education and involvement. The district is grateful for the support and cooperation of community members, such as the County of Maui, public and private schools, the University of Hawaii at Maui College, Maui Ocean Center, and Adopt-A-Highway volunteers.

Deputy Director of Transportation for Highways Robin Shishido expressed pride in the team’s achievement and emphasized the valuable role played by community partners in protecting Maui’s environment. This recognition not only highlights the district’s commitment but also highlights their ongoing efforts to ensure the health and well-being of the local community.

Learn More

If you would like to find out more about Highways Maui District’s stormwater management program, please visit www.stormwatermaui.com. To learn more about the Water Environment Federation and their work, visit www.wef.org.


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