Home Personal Development Mind-Blowing Revelation: Ukrainian Refugee Shocks World with Coveted Student of the Year Award Nomination, It’s Unbelievable!

Mind-Blowing Revelation: Ukrainian Refugee Shocks World with Coveted Student of the Year Award Nomination, It’s Unbelievable!

Mind-Blowing Revelation: Ukrainian Refugee Shocks World with Coveted Student of the Year Award Nomination, It’s Unbelievable!

Kateryna Halkina, a student from Ukraine who sought refuge in the UK and enrolled in the University of Exeter Business School, has been nominated for the prestigious AMBA Student of the Year Award 2024. This nomination comes as a result of her remarkable qualities such as exceptional leadership skills, strong teamwork abilities, goal-orientation, and innovative thinking, which were recognized by her tutors on The Exeter MBA program.

Kateryna’s journey to the UK began when she fled war-torn Ukraine under the Homes for Ukraine scheme. She found a new home in Dawlish, near Exeter, where she settled with a host family. Before seeking refuge, Kateryna had already accumulated ten years of professional experience in various roles, including working for KPMG. However, she had a strong desire to return to university to acquire new skills and improve her employment prospects.

Unfortunately, Kateryna faced financial difficulties upon her arrival in the UK. Her house in Ukraine had been looted and destroyed, leaving her with minimal funds to pursue higher education. It was through a local priest that Kateryna discovered The Exeter MBA program. Initially deeming it too expensive, the priest suggested she explore scholarship opportunities. Intrigued by the idea, Kateryna researched and applied for The Exeter MBA Better World Scholarship, which she was fortunate enough to receive.

Despite the ongoing conflict in Ukraine and the daily news of missile attacks, Kateryna remained focused on her studies. She possessed a clear vision of utilizing the knowledge gained from her MBA to contribute to the rebuilding process in Ukraine once the war ended. One area she became particularly interested in was sustainability, a theme deeply ingrained in the MBA program. For her final project, Kateryna delved into researching circular economy and sustainable principles in the construction industry. Ukraine had numerous demolished and partially destroyed buildings, and Kateryna pondered how these remnants could be transformed into something more productive through innovative techniques and instruments. She drew inspiration from a house in the UK constructed using materials from the building industry and other waste materials, envisioning the implementation of similar sustainable practices in future cities and building reconstructions.

While studying at Exeter, Kateryna also dedicated herself to expanding her knowledge beyond the business realm. She took up studying Arabic, inspired by the innovative sustainable development practices in the MENA (Middle East and North Africa) region, including the construction of smart cities in the desert. Additionally, she completed the Exeter Award Programme to further enhance her skills and participated in the Summer School of Forced Migration at Oxford School to better understand the needs of refugee communities.

Professor Donald Lancaster, the Programme Director of The Exeter MBA, commended Kateryna for her remarkable contributions to the MBA community. Despite constantly worrying about her family’s safety in Ukraine, she continuously strives to assist those around her while maintaining her vision of sustainable rebuilding efforts in her home country. Kateryna’s outstanding academic performance, commitment to personal growth, and dedication to promoting diversity make her a standout individual within any MBA community, making her nomination for the AMBA Student of the Year Award more than deserved.

The winner of the AMBA Student of the Year Award 2024 will be announced on Friday, January 19, 2024.


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