Home News and Politics Ludicrous: Sexual Abuser Declared ‘of Good Character,’ Granted Lawyer License by Law Society Tribunal

Ludicrous: Sexual Abuser Declared ‘of Good Character,’ Granted Lawyer License by Law Society Tribunal

Ludicrous: Sexual Abuser Declared ‘of Good Character,’ Granted Lawyer License by Law Society Tribunal

A Man Convicted of Child Sexual Abuse Achieves Good Character Status and Eligibility to Practice Law

A man who sexually abused children and then was “not forthcoming” about it for years has changed, is now of “good character,” and is eligible to practice law, according to an Ontario tribunal. The decision from the Law Society Tribunal, released after a six-day hearing last year, states that the applicant, referred to as “A.A.,” engaged in three incidents of sexual abuse of minor children in 2009. The incidents involved touching children while clothed and came to light when the father of one of the children confronted him.

Although the man initially withheld information about the incidents when he returned to Canada, he later made vague disclosures to a leader of his congregation. The Law Society became aware of the abuse from an anonymous letter and subsequently conducted a hearing.

The tribunal ruling acknowledges the severity of the man’s past behavior but takes into account his remorse, rehabilitative efforts, the absence of further incidents since 2009, and the significant passage of time. As a result, the tribunal concludes that he is currently of good character and eligible to be licensed to practice law. However, he will be subject to a condition that he must not meet with minor children unsupervised.

The hearing included testimony from the applicant, his father, his common-law partner, a religious leader, a physician who assessed him, a member of a therapy group he attended, and the clinical assistant to a retired psychologist who treated him.

The tribunal also notes that the applicant has acknowledged the human cost of his sexual offenses, expressed regret, and demonstrated self-reflection. He has engaged in various therapeutic interventions, including treatment with a psychologist and group therapy, and has made a genuine commitment to continue therapy.

The full decision can be found here.

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