Home News and Politics Join the Brighter Together Survey for Businesses, endorsed by Economic Development Lethbridge

Join the Brighter Together Survey for Businesses, endorsed by Economic Development Lethbridge

Join the Brighter Together Survey for Businesses, endorsed by Economic Development Lethbridge

It’s a snapshot in time meant to support local business owners.

“We really want to get at what’s really causing pain for the industry right now and make sure that we have a clear understanding of what we need to fix.”

According to Economic Development Lethbridge CEO Trevor Lewington, the results of the Brighter Together Survey are used to advocate for policy change, develop new initiatives based on business needs and monitor trends in the data.

“We ask questions around level of investment, level of hiring. So we get a bit of a sense year to year of what’s the Lethbridge business community planning. Are they looking to grow, are they concerned about where sales and revenue are going to go,” Lewington said.

“From that we can make some decisions if there’s any advocacy work we need to do with government or if there’s any policy decisions we need to make.”

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Click to play video: 'Road construction rolls on in downtown Lethbridge'

Road construction rolls on in downtown Lethbridge

Results from 2022 found 69 per cent of Lethbridge businesses surveyed felt positive about the success of their business moving forward. The executive director of the Downtown BRZ, Sarah Amies, says she hopes to see that number grow.

“It was a great thing to see last year that those responses were as heavily weighted in the positives as they were, and so we’re hoping to see more of that positive certainly as we come out of the pandemic.”

The survey runs until mid-November but some entrepreneurs, like Analog Books co-owner Penny Warris, have already completed the questionnaire and she’s encouraging others to do the same.

“Businesses, especially in the downtown core, we have to be collaborative and we have to share all of the good stuff and all of the bad stuff to make sure everybody’s on the same page.”

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Results of the Brighter Together Survey will be released in late 2023 or early 2024 and will be officially unveiled at the mayor’s state of the city address.

&copy 2023 Global News, a division of Corus Entertainment Inc.

Supporting Local Business Owners: The Brighter Together Survey

Businesses face numerous challenges in today’s market, especially during the ongoing pandemic. To understand the pain points and needs of local business owners, a snapshot survey called the Brighter Together Survey was conducted. This survey aims to support local businesses and develop initiatives based on their needs.

Understanding Business Needs with the Brighter Together Survey

The Brighter Together Survey, facilitated by Economic Development Lethbridge, collects vital information from local business owners. The survey includes questions about investment levels, hiring plans, and growth expectations. The data obtained provides insights into the business community’s aspirations and concerns and helps shape policy decisions by advocating for necessary changes.

Positive Outlook for Lethbridge Businesses

The 2022 results of the Brighter Together Survey revealed that 69% of surveyed Lethbridge businesses felt positive about their future success. This encouraging response indicates optimism within the local business community despite existing challenges. Sarah Amies, Executive Director of Downtown BRZ, hopes to see this positive trend continue as the region recovers from the pandemic.

Entrepreneurs Encouraged to Participate in the Survey

Although the survey deadline is set for mid-November, many entrepreneurs have already completed the questionnaire. Penny Warris, co-owner of Analog Books, emphasizes the importance of unity among downtown businesses. By sharing experiences and insights, businesses can work collaboratively and overcome obstacles together.

Anticipating the Survey Results

The official release of the Brighter Together Survey results is scheduled for late 2023 or early 2024. These findings will be unveiled during the mayor’s state of the city address. The data will provide valuable information for shaping policies, advocating for change, and supporting local businesses.

&copy 2023 Global News, a division of Corus Entertainment Inc.


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