Home News and Politics Jaw-Dropping Security Measures Taken at Chinatown’s Mid-Autumn Moon Festival – You Won’t Believe Your Eyes!

Jaw-Dropping Security Measures Taken at Chinatown’s Mid-Autumn Moon Festival – You Won’t Believe Your Eyes!

Jaw-Dropping Security Measures Taken at Chinatown’s Mid-Autumn Moon Festival – You Won’t Believe Your Eyes!

The organizers of the upcoming Mid-Autumn Moon Festival are prioritizing public safety in light of a stabbing incident that occurred at the previous Vancouver Chinatown festival. At the Light Up Chinatown event, which drew a crowd of over 18,000 people, a suspect randomly stabbed three individuals on September 10. While the incident was isolated, the organizers are not taking any chances and are working diligently to ensure enhanced security for the festival, which is scheduled to take place at the Dr. Sun Yat-Sen Classical Chinese Garden on September 29 and 30.

Lorraine Lowe, the executive director of the Dr. Sun Yat-Sen Classical Chinese Garden, stated that they have significantly increased security measures and are closely collaborating with the Vancouver police. Access to the festival will be restricted to ticket holders only, and the entire event will be securely gated. Additionally, there will be several security guards present on-site to ensure the safety of attendees.

Meanwhile, the community is still showing support for the victims of the triple stabbing. Chinatown leaders, including Carol Lee, the chair of the Vancouver Chinatown Foundation, are organizing a fundraiser to assist the victims with their medical expenses, counseling, and therapy. Lee emphasized that their main focus at the moment is providing support to the victims and aiding in their healing process.

Among the victims, the most severe injuries were sustained by a 24-year-old woman, while the other two victims were a couple in their 60s. Lee mentioned that the young woman had been deeply affected by the incident but is gradually recovering. The fundraiser has already raised over $7,000, and they aim to reach a goal of $15,000. Global News has reached out to the Vancouver police for further comment on the matter.


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