Home News and Politics Huge Turnout: Hamilton Unites to Show Solidarity with MPP Sarah Jama in Electrifying Virtual Rally!

Huge Turnout: Hamilton Unites to Show Solidarity with MPP Sarah Jama in Electrifying Virtual Rally!

Huge Turnout: Hamilton Unites to Show Solidarity with MPP Sarah Jama in Electrifying Virtual Rally!

Hundreds of supporters gathered online on Friday to show solidarity with Sarah Jama, member of the Provincial Parliament for Hamilton Centre, in a virtual rally. The event featured several speakers calling for a ceasefire in Gaza and expressing support for Jama after her removal from the Ontario NDP caucus and censure in the assembly. The rally was moderated by Bianca Mugyenyi, director of the Canadian Foreign Policy Institute, who condemned the anti-Palestinian racism displayed and highlighted the story as a case of anti-Blackness as well.

Since Monday night, over 4,000 people have emailed Ontario NDP leader Marit Stiles, ONDP president Janelle Brady, and the caucus, calling for Jama’s reinstatement. This initiative was organized by the Canadian Foreign Policy Network and Just Peace Advocates.

However, not all of Jama’s supporters agree with the efforts to have her removal rescinded. Author and activist Desmond Cole spoke at the rally, arguing that Jama’s characterization as uncontrollable and unreasonable was intentional and exploited negative stereotypes about her race, gender, religion, and disability. Cole expressed his disagreement with Jama returning to a party that had treated her poorly.

Several NDP MPPs expressed their continued support for Stiles as the leader, including Jeff Burch from Niagara Centre, who described the decision to remove Jama as a difficult one. Burch commended Stiles for her patience in trying to work with Jama and emphasized the importance of teamwork within a caucus.

Peggy Sattler, an NDP MPP from London West, stated that Stiles had no other choice but to remove Jama. Sattler clarified that the decision was not based on Jama’s position on Palestine but rather her refusal to work collaboratively with the leader and the caucus.

Following Jama’s removal, the NDP riding association in Kitchener Centre called for Stiles’s resignation, while the association for Hamilton Centre, Jama’s own riding, demanded a leadership review. In response to the backlash, Stiles stated that she has no intention of stepping down and acknowledged the difficulty of the decision.

Some support for Jama’s reinstatement also came from within the NDP. MPP Jill Andrews from Toronto-St. Paul’s expressed her disagreement with the decision to remove Jama and criticized the press release for perpetuating stereotypes about Black women. Federal member Matthew Green, who represents Hamilton Centre, stated that Jama’s expulsion reflected a historical pattern of dismissing racialized voices in decision-making spaces.

At the rally, former NDP MPP Rima Berns-McGown shared her experience of being silenced by the party during her time in office. She mentioned that despite her support for causes like BDS, which she had made clear to the Ontario NDP, she was still encouraged to join. However, when she voiced her views on these causes, she faced backlash and was reprimanded by party officials.

Laura Mae Lindo, another former MPP from Kitchener Centre, remarked that the party tends to recruit advocates from the community but struggles to integrate them within the system. She emphasized the need for the party to be ready to embrace diversity and inclusion.

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