Home News and Politics Holy Cow! Here’s How Singapore Shockingly Secured Its Coveted Seat at the Table!

Holy Cow! Here’s How Singapore Shockingly Secured Its Coveted Seat at the Table!

Holy Cow! Here’s How Singapore Shockingly Secured Its Coveted Seat at the Table!

Former MP and Singapore’s current non-resident High Commissioner to Kenya, Yatiman Yusof, shared his harrowing experience as a student caught in the 1964 racial riots in Singapore. His story serves as a reminder of the violence that threatened Singapore’s unity. The story was shared at the PAP Policy Forum (PPF) dialogue titled “Shining Red Dot: Singapore on the World Stage,” which commemorates the birth centenary of Singapore’s founding Prime Minister Mr Lee Kuan Yew.

Understanding Singapore’s Global Relevance

The dialogue, headlined by PAP Chairman Heng Swee Keat, discussed the factors that have contributed to Singapore’s remarkable transformation and its continued global relevance. With over 300 attendees, the dialogue featured a panel session by speakers including Yatiman, Lee Yi Shyan, and Professor Chan Heng Chee, all veterans and representatives of Singapore to the world.

Carving Out Space on the Global Stage

The panelists discussed the challenges Singapore faced in establishing itself as a global player and how its leaders strategically sought seats at the international table. They shared anecdotes of Singapore’s early struggles and the determination of Mr Lee Kuan Yew to make Singapore’s voice heard on the world stage.

Keeping Singapore’s Interests in Mind

The panelists emphasized the importance of Singapore standing firm against much bigger players and avoiding being perceived as a pushover. They highlighted the need for Singapore to have a seat at the table in order to make outsized contributions to the world and shape international events. The panelists also praised Mr Lee’s unwavering commitment to hear the truth and put nation before self.

Building on Singapore’s Strengths

The panel discussion concluded with a challenge to Singapore’s youth and future leaders to constantly adapt and innovate in order to remain relevant and defy the odds. The PAP government’s work has led to Singapore’s transformation into a harmonious nation, and the way forward is for Singaporeans and the PAP to continue building on their strengths and make Singapore shine brighter.

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