Home News and Politics Dramatic Surge: Pandemic escalates Ontario drug and alcohol overdose deaths, researchers alarming findings reveal

Dramatic Surge: Pandemic escalates Ontario drug and alcohol overdose deaths, researchers alarming findings reveal

Dramatic Surge: Pandemic escalates Ontario drug and alcohol overdose deaths, researchers alarming findings reveal

According to a recent report by the Ontario Drug Policy Research Network and Public Health Ontario, the number of accidental drug and alcohol-related deaths in Ontario nearly doubled during the COVID-19 pandemic. In 2021, approximately 3,000 individuals lost their lives due to drug or alcohol toxicity, compared to nearly 1,600 deaths in 2018. This averages out to approximately eight deaths per day in 2021. The report highlights that the number of deaths involving multiple substances surpassed those caused by a single substance, including opioids, stimulants such as cocaine or meth, benzodiazepines, and alcohol.

Tara Gomes, a senior author of the report who works as an epidemiologist at St. Michael’s Hospital in Toronto, emphasizes the need for the healthcare system to support individuals who use different types of drugs, not just opioids. About three-quarters of the deaths occurred in people’s homes, underscoring the importance of reducing the stigma surrounding drug use. Gomes argues that by destigmatizing drug use, individuals may be less likely to use alone and more likely to have someone present in case of an overdose. She adds that although substance use comes with inherent risks, society must find ways to support individuals in using substances safely if we are not willing to accept the consequences of letting people die due to substance misuse.

Overall, the report brings attention to the alarming increase in accidental drug and alcohol deaths in Ontario during the COVID-19 pandemic and emphasizes the need for a comprehensive and inclusive approach to harm reduction and support for individuals who use substances.


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