Home News and Politics Deal Could Potentially See US Releasing Iranian Funds and Prisoners, Resulting in Americans Moving out of Prison

Deal Could Potentially See US Releasing Iranian Funds and Prisoners, Resulting in Americans Moving out of Prison

Deal Could Potentially See US Releasing Iranian Funds and Prisoners, Resulting in Americans Moving out of Prison

Five Americans Imprisoned in Iran Now Under House Arrest



Five Americans who had been imprisoned in Iran are now under house arrest. This marks the first step in a deal between the United States and Iran. As part of the agreement, $6 billion in Iranian funds will become more accessible to Tehran in exchange for the return of the imprisoned Americans to the US.

Release from Evin Prison

Four of the American prisoners, Siamak Namazi, Emad Shargi, Morad Tahbaz, and an unidentified fourth American, were moved out of Tehran’s Evin Prison and placed under house arrest. The White House has confirmed this development. The fifth American was already under house arrest prior to the negotiations.

Steps Towards Freedom

While the release of the Americans from prison is an encouraging step, there are still several details to be worked out in the prospective deal to bring them back to the United States. The negotiations include plans to make $6 billion in Iranian funds, currently held in a restricted account in South Korea, more readily available for non-sanctionable trade. The intention is to move these funds to another restricted account to facilitate trade in goods like food and medicine. Notably, no prisoners held in the US will be released in exchange for the Americans’ move to house arrest.

Prisoner Swap and Diplomatic Efforts

The deal is also expected to involve a prisoner swap component. However, the specifics of the next steps and details of the arrangement are yet to be disclosed. The negotiations for the Americans’ release have been intensive, involving third-party mediators and diplomatic efforts with countries like Qatar, Oman, Switzerland, Iraq, and the United Arab Emirates.

Caution Amid Optimism

Despite the positive development of the Americans being released to house arrest, caution remains until they are safely out of Iran. There are currently no guarantees about what happens next. The Namazi, Shargi, and Tahbaz families, along with others, have eagerly awaited the day their loved ones are finally back in the US.


The release of the Americans from prison marks a significant initial step in the implementation of the agreement between the US and Iran. Both sides continue to work towards securing their freedom and eventual return home.

This story has been updated with additional information.

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