Home News and Politics China Drops COVID-19 Testing Mandate for Travellers – A Game-Changer

China Drops COVID-19 Testing Mandate for Travellers – A Game-Changer

China Drops COVID-19 Testing Mandate for Travellers – A Game-Changer

China Lifts COVID-19 Test Requirement for Incoming Travelers
By Simina Mistreanu
The Associated Press

China has made a significant step in its reopening to the world by eliminating the requirement of a negative COVID-19 test result for incoming travelers. This marks the end of a three-year period of isolation that began when the country closed its borders in March 2020.

The change was announced by Foreign Ministry spokesperson Wang Wenbin during a briefing in Beijing on Monday. China had previously ended quarantine requirements for its citizens traveling from abroad in January. Over the past few months, the list of countries that Chinese people can travel to has gradually expanded, along with an increase in the number of international flights.

China’s strict domestic “zero COVID” policy was only lifted in December, after years of stringent measures such as full-city lockdowns and lengthy quarantines for infected individuals. These restrictions significantly impacted the country’s economy, leading to rising unemployment and sporadic protests.

As part of the measures, incoming travelers were required to isolate for weeks at government-designated hotels. In November, protests erupted in major cities including Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, and Nanjing, representing a direct challenge to the ruling Communist Party’s authority. However, authorities abruptly scrapped most COVID controls in early December, resulting in a surge of infections that overwhelmed hospitals and morgues.

A study funded by the US government revealed that the sudden dismantling of the “zero COVID” policy may have caused nearly 2 million excess deaths in the following two months, far surpassing the official estimate of 60,000 deaths within a month of lifting the restrictions.

During the “zero COVID” period, local authorities occasionally implemented snap lockdowns and imposed strict isolation measures to contain the virus. These measures included sealing residents’ doors to prevent the spread of the virus. Shanghai, with its 25 million residents, implemented one of the world’s largest pandemic-related mass lockdowns from April to June of last year. Residents had to undergo frequent PCR tests and rely on government food supplies, which were often insufficient.

Throughout the pandemic, Beijing emphasized its “zero COVID” policy and the initially low number of infections as proof of the superiority of China’s political system over Western democracies.

The lifting of the COVID-19 test requirement for incoming travelers is a significant milestone in China’s efforts to reconnect with the world. However, the country continues to face challenges in balancing its reopening with the ongoing threat of the virus.

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