Home News and Politics Breaking News: U.S. Ambassador’s Shocking Visit to Fukushima – Unbelievable Details Revealed

Breaking News: U.S. Ambassador’s Shocking Visit to Fukushima – Unbelievable Details Revealed

Breaking News: U.S. Ambassador’s Shocking Visit to Fukushima – Unbelievable Details Revealed

U.S. Ambassador to Japan Visits Fukushima in Support of Radioactive Water Discharge

WASHINGTON (Kyodo) — U.S. Ambassador to Japan Rahm Emanuel will visit a city in Japan’s northeastern prefecture of Fukushima on Aug. 31 to demonstrate support for Tokyo’s decision to discharge treated radioactive water from a crippled nuclear plant there into the Pacific Ocean, an embassy official said Wednesday.

The ambassador’s plan to visit the costal city of Soma comes after the Japanese government has decided to start the water release on Thursday in the face of strong opposition from China.

In a phone interview with Kyodo News, Emanuel said he will meet with local fishermen, other residents, and officials during the visit, which is intended to “physically show support and then to express confidence in the process that Japan has methodically pursued.”

He said the process was “fully transparent, scientifically based and internationally recognized.”

While criticizing China for being “reckless,” he said Japan has acted as an “internationally responsible nation” in the wake of the Fukushima nuclear disaster.

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