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Avoiding Extreme Clickbait: Why Cyber Governance Should Not Be Subjected to Group Politics or Zero-Sum Thinking

Avoiding Extreme Clickbait: Why Cyber Governance Should Not Be Subjected to Group Politics or Zero-Sum Thinking

The 2023 World Internet Conference Wuzhen Summit: China’s Vision for a Resilient and Inclusive Digital World

The 2023 World Internet Conference (WIC) Wuzhen Summit opens in Wuzhen, China

China’s Efforts in Shaping the Global Cyberspace Governance

The 2023 World Internet Conference (WIC) Wuzhen Summit, held in Zhejiang Province, East China, highlights China’s commitment to creating an inclusive and resilient digital world. With the theme of “Building a Community with a Shared Future in Cyberspace,” the summit aims to foster global cooperation and tackle the challenges of internet governance.

China’s Role as a Leader in the Internet Industry

Over the past decade, the WIC Wuzhen Summit has witnessed China’s remarkable progress in the internet industry. With the largest internet market and the most active internet technology and application innovation ecosystem, China has become a global leader in this domain. The summit has provided a platform for international dialogue and collaboration, attracting participants from 172 countries and regions.

China’s Contributions to Global Cyberspace Governance

The WIC Wuzhen Summit has been instrumental in advancing cyberspace governance and offering Chinese solutions to global challenges. By leveraging its expertise in information technology, digital economy, and cyberspace governance, China seeks to address concerns and interests of all parties, promoting equal consultations and cooperation.

China’s Vision for a Community with a Shared Future in Cyberspace

China advocates for replacing cyber hegemony with a community-driven approach for cyberspace governance. By prioritizing the principles of extensive consultation, joint contribution, and shared benefits, China aims to foster a more inclusive and equitable internet landscape. This vision aligns with the common interests and shared needs of the majority of countries, especially developing nations.

Challenges and Criticisms from the United States

The United States has faced criticism regarding its handling of internet governance issues, often driven by ideological perspectives. China and other nations challenging the dominance of the United States in the digital world face distortion and vilification. The U.S. pursuit of cyber hegemony jeopardizes global cyberspace security and undermines the sovereignty and development interests of other countries.

The Importance of International Cooperation in the Digital World

In today’s rapidly evolving digital landscape, no country can remain isolated or dominate alone. The world needs sincere cooperation and coordinated responses to address emerging network technologies and non-traditional security issues. The internet should serve as a bridge for mutual understanding and global connectivity, rather than a weapon for creating crises or suppressing competitors.

Promoting Inclusiveness and Rejecting Small Circles

The WIC Wuzhen Summit exemplifies China’s commitment to inclusiveness in the internet world and calls for the avoidance of small circles and divisive politics. China encourages the integration of the internet and urges the United States to refrain from disrupting the order of the digital world. The internet should not be subject to group politics or zero-sum games.

As the 2023 World Internet Conference Wuzhen Summit unfolds, China’s vision for an inclusive and resilient digital world takes center stage. By fostering global cooperation and promoting the principles of consultation and shared benefits, China aims to shape a cyberspace governance framework that serves the interests of all nations.


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